Chapter 6

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Cas showed up at Jamie's house, chewing on his lips as he rang the doorbell and waited. She sleepily came to the door and opened it then saw him and frowned. Cas tried to reach for her hand but she pulled it away. "Can I please come in...? I wanna talk about the other night."

“You can talk right there." She wouldn't let him any closer.

He sighed. "My ex wife was there and I freaked out." Just saying that made him cringe.

"Is that why you ran away and embarassed me?" She looked up at him, tucking her long hair behind her ears.

"Yeah... Jamie I really like you. Last night was just really bad."

“I want to meet your friend. You always talking about him." Eventhough they've only had 1 1/2 dates, Cas only ever talked about the good parts of his life. Work and hanging out with Dean.  He had never talked to Jamie about the past 3 years... Nothing about his ex.

But Cas went on. "Dean. He's been my best friend since we were in 6th grade. He's like my brother. And his son is so cute... "

“I wanna meet him."

"Okay. You can meet him... He's going through a rough time too and he might live with me for a while."

“With his kid?" She raised a brow.

"Yeah! His name is Jack."

“So I’ll never be allowed over..."

"What do you mean? It's my house and you'll be allowed over whenever I'm there. It'll be alright. Plus, Dean is an omega. I'm trying to protect him since he's unmated. And everyone tries to touch him." Cas was just smiling, proudly, hoping Jamie would admire him for protecting his omega best friend.

She grew suspicious. "How? How does that work? An unmated omega living with an alpha... and you two aren't together..." She was confused and slightly mad.

"We were friends before we presented. I'd never do anything with him anyways. Like I said before, he's my brother from another mother." Cas chuckled softly.

Over the next 6 months Dean had passed highschool and moved in with Cas full time. Dean was working as a mechanic and got a pretty decent pay. His life was coming together.  All he needed now was a house of his own... and Jack's father.

Cas was so proud of him for trying, but at the same time he felt like Dean was smothering him. He had gotten a lot closer to Jamie. He didn't want her to feel threatened by Dean's presence. She hates having another omega in the house. She wanted all of Castiel's attention.

"Cas?" Jamie asked as she sat on the couch with her boyfriend. She was nuzzling his neck.

"Yes, baby?"

"Can you please make Dean leave when he goes into heat? It makes me uncomfortable..."

Cas frowned. He didn't want to invonvience anyone, especially Jamie.  But what did he want more? His best friend to be Okay or a girlfriend.  The answer was obvious. It was Dean, and he didn't want to kick Dean out...

"Okay darling." He was snuggled up to his girlfriend, watching a movie. He kissed her head to get her attention. She looked up at him, smiling softly and then leaned in to kiss him gently. She was ready to take it a step further. And now, so was Cas. He had been afraid of hurting her or freaking out. Dean was on his mind a lot more now for some reason. He really only wanted to have sex with her as a distraction. If it was good enough maybe he wouldn't have his heart set on his friend anymore. He deepened the kiss after a minute. She leaned against him more to relieve the strain on her neck, but opened her mouth and let his tongue in. She was blushing as he licked into her mouth and held her hand because he wasn't sure what to do with his hands.

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