Chapter 3

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Dean made them all sandwiches and paid his boss for it in advance. Cas did butt in and took care of it instead, and Dean pretty much threw himself on Cas and hugged him. "Thank you so much already."

Cas hugged back tightly and whispered a "you're welcome." He pulled away and pulled the chair out for him and chuckled when he looked over to see Jack already stuffing his face.

Dean sat down to eat and looked at Jack. “Im sorry it’s not a lot, buddy."

The boy looked up, "I'm happy I see you!"

Dean smiled at him and distracted himself from tearing up by eating. After a bit of eating in silence Cas cleared his throat. "Hey dean.."

He looked at him. “Yeah?”

"Maybe you should go back to school and get a better job? This place looks like it's tearing you up."

“I don’t even have a highschool diploma or GED. This is the best I’ll find. I'm a loser."

"You can get a highschool degree online and then go to college." Cas was trying to give options, he hated seeing Dean so stressed.

“Can’t afford it."

Cas sighed. "I can. Friends help each other and I owe you big time."

“Im not letting you pay for my schooling."

"Well why Not? I have a good job, and more money than what I know to do with. I'm really lonely and I wanna help."

“Why would you want to pay for me?”

"Because I want to. Hey, I'm just offering, man."

“I have Jack... I don't have time." Dean looked down and then got up to start cleaning again. “And college plus work would mean leaving him alone a lot."

"Simple fix, buddy. Quit work."

It actually pained Dean that Cas called him buddy. "I just can't."

Jack butted in "mr.cas can keep babysitting!!!"

Dean let out a sigh. He looked at Cas. “I-I know it might be too much but could you? How much would you charge?"

Cas laughed softly, "I wouldn't charge. I'll pick him up on my way home from work and hang out with him for a while.  Feed him and do homework." He paused to look over at the boy and stood up to put his coat on.  He hugged back. "And unless I have a date or something ill keep him overnight and take him to school if you can't come get him."

Dean rushed over and hugged him once again. "Thank you so, so much... I really don't deserve you." Dean was in love with him. His heart fluttered when he looked into his bright eyes.

Cas smiled and hugged back tightly, "you're always welcome... But I won't be free next friday."

"Why?" He finally pulled away from the hug. 

He blushed and looked down. "Her name is Jamie." He was playing with his hands. Yes, he finally found someone to talk to. She was his girlfriend.

Dean nodded, "oh. Okay. I'm happy for you, Cas." He faked a smile and then bit his lip. "As long as she's nice and treats you right... you deserve it... I gotta get back to work." He backed up and ran into the table and winced.

Jack frowned and hugged his mom. "Can I stay with you?"

"No, baby. I have to work. Go back with Cas and I'll see you tomorrow." He hugged back and kissed his boy's head.

"Okay, I love you mom."

"I love you too, jackie."

Cas ended up taking him back home and they did his reading homework. Dean went back to work, really upset. Just talking to people and taking orders had him choked up, especially after he saw a happy couple. He was really jealous. He was in love with Cas.  But he had so many secrets. It's been 6 years, he couldn't tell him...

On his break he found some free online classes that he could take. They followed the actual public school system. It was all free minus that Dean had to buy his own text books. But he couldn't even afford the books so he just stopped looking. He didn't even take his full break since it left him alone with his thoughts.

He was washing dishes and mumbling to himself. "I'm dumb. Dumb. Dumb... whore... slut... hopeless... p-poor." He had started crying and actually dropped the plate on the floor, shattering it.

When Mildred came in all she saw was the shattered plate. She was furious and started yelling at him, but he couldn't take it. He was so overwhelmed that he started crying.

"What has gotten into you!? Now you're crying because you messed up? You're a man. Stop crying. And clean up." She left before Dean could explain what happened. 

"Fuckup." He mumbled and wiped his eyes before cleaning up the broken plate. And he called Sam while he finished doing the dishes. He had a very bad history with Sam. Their childhood was an utter disaster. They physically fought all the time, because John made them. Since Dean was an omega, John made Sam beat the hell out of him from time to time. And when it wasn't Sam's turn it was John's and that was much worse. Now despite Sam being an adult, his father had broken him a while ago as well, he could never look or speak to Dean. He was so ashamed of what he did but part of him was disgusted that his brother was an omega...

It was close to 10pm. Sam groaned but he answered. He had a past with loaning his brother money and not getting it back. "Dean, what? I can't give you anymore money." It started off as he wanted to help because he felt bad, but he was furious that he wasn't getting his money back.

"I just wanna talk Sammy... I'm sorry. For everything. I'm such a fuck up."

Sam sighed. He had heard it all... Dean used to be an alcoholic. An alcoholic that was in love with his best friend. It resulted in him being a whore. For comfort anyways. Well, until he fell pregnant and then his whole world collapsed.  He had blown all his money on alcohol and dropped out of highschool.  Couldn't get a real job... so he lived out of his brothers pocket for a while.  But then Sammy got tired of him and Cas was busy with his wife. The only reason Dean even tried was because of Jack. Sam tried to take him in, but their dad showed up again. John threatened to kill Sam if he didn't hurt Dean. Male omegas were useless, and that was engraved in Sam's head now.

"Dean you're not a fuckup." That's all he said before he hung up the phone, annoyed.

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