Chapter 4

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Jack is his everything. The glue to his pathetic life. He loved that boy. So he showed up to work every single day and worked as hard as he could to keep food on the table and the water running. He even started writing notes and putting them in his lunchbox. 'Love you Jackie!!! Have an amazing day ~ mommy.'


All of the next week, Castiel was getting together everything together for Dean. He set him up with online schooling and as well as actual college entry forms. Textbooks and all. He told Dean they were the same books he uses back In school so he didn't really have to pay, but that was a little white lie. He didn't want Dean to worry. So what, he paid for it all... He owed Dean. He loved his best friend.

All he wanted was Dean to be happy. And Dean's past was rough. Mom died, deadbeat dad, having to take care of his little brother and being forced to grow up. The fact that he presented as an omega didn't help. Just because he was hot he sold himself to people at night so Sam wouldn't go hungry, despite Sam constantly hurting him with threats from their father. He became a prostitute for a while. Dean felt very broken. So he first hid himself away and dove into alcohol. He never went to Cas either, never tried to get help and would never accept the affection the dark haired boy gave him. Just the fact that Castiel cared all those years ago, and still did, made him love him even hopelessly more.

Castiel knew all the potential Dean had. How amazing Dean could be if he didn't have so much holding him down.  He wanted to be a mechanic and he wanted to have a family. He has Jack, now he needs a mate and a better job. Cas really wanted to help him out. He'd do anything for his best buddy. And Dean was very thankful for Cas and all he had done, even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted. Dean just wanted to be with Cas, even before jack... He didn't want the money or pity. He wanted love and for Jack to have a father but he was too scared to say it. That was the hardest part of all this; Castiel wasn't just a friend to Dean... And most certainly not to his six year old son, Jack.

Everything seemed to be going well until the day of Castiel's date. He met Jamie at her house and they decided to go ice skating. Cas wanted to date and look around, but the idea of a mate was very scary to him after Anna. He was very afraid of commitment. Mating. Even sex. He helped Jamie get her skates on. He honestly thought she was gorgeous. She smelled wonderful too, definitely an alpha magnet. Her hair was long and blonde. She had big brown eyes. He didn't know much about her personality yet, but he had a feel for her. The only thing that could mess things up was if she wanted sex. He didn't want anything too serious at the moment. They just met.

But he was having a good time with his casual date until he looked over and he saw her. Anna. Sucking off some guys face. He just about fainted. 'Why me?' He whispered. Anna of all people was there! It was a small town after all... His knees got weak just looking at her and he started shaking. She didn't even see him, he saw her... He was still in love with her. His wife... ex wife... She still had his claiming mark. She hadn't gotten it covered up by some other alpha yet. That hurt him. Even if in the beginning she was just a coverup for his dumb crush on a friend, he felt like she was his one and only. When she left he felt free, his old crush came back, but he couldn't give into it. The person he liked would never ever want him. So here he was with a girl, but as a double coverup. His re-surfaced feelings about a friend that shall not be named, and being distraught over his ex-wife.

Jamie kept him steady on his feet. "Castiel? Are you okay?

"Yeah I'm okay. It's cold. Are you ready to go?" Even his voice was breaking. "It's cold and I feel sick."

"But we only just got here... did I do something?"

He shook his head but didn't open his mouth for fear of puking. He quickly got off the ice and then took his skates off. His skin was burning. He ran as fast as he could and got as far away from that place as he could without passing out.

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