Power //Danti

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Power (smut)
Art: SimplEagle on DeviantArt
Summary: Lucifer wants to hand off some of his power to his best man—but when Dark and Anti are both fighting for the position things get a little 'steamy' between the two.
Word count: 2,570


"Listen closely boys," the demon rises from his desk chair, placing his hands firmly against the polished mahogany. Rings lightly clicking against the wood as he scans the demons that remain seated before him. Although the two were pressed together as close as two childhood friends; between the arms of the white leathered couch, both the fire and emerald haired demons peered at the other as if they were about to spit in the others face. The ebony haired demon moves from behind his desk and saunters over to them, licking his lips as if he can taste the bittersweet hatred they both exude.

"I've called you both here today because I think you two are the most suitable candidates to be my right hand man—these responsibilities are undeniably consuming all of my free time so I need someone reliable to help assist me." He sits on the edge of his desk, combing his hand through his black locks, disheveling it further. Lucifer examines both of them closely, smirking down at the two smaller demons as he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth. "Now, how you two decide who gets the job is up to you, but I want an answer by the time I return from welcoming the new comers." He moves languidly from atop his desk, sauntering towards the door before stopping curtly and glancing over his shoulder at them, "and boys, try not to kill each other."

The moment the door clicks shut both Dark and Anti maneuver from the couch, dispersing to opposite sides of the room. They continue to scowl at one another as the famous Darkiplier takes a menacing step forward, although most commonly know for his expertise in torture, the Irish demon remains unfazed by his movements. "You might as well leave now Septiceye, the job is mine."

The green haired demon scoffs and crosses his arms, eyes continuing to bore into the ember haired demon "and what makes you think that, Darkimoo?"

Dark fights to keep his expression neutral, but disgust shines deep within his crimson eyes as he scans the demon that stares scathingly back at him, "don't call me that."

Anti's scowl curls into a smirk as he steps towards the other, meeting him halfway, "but isn't that what your precious little human calls you?"

Dark bares his fangs, fists shaking by his side as he scowls back at him, "leave him out of this you little glitch bitch."

Anti balls his fists at his side, body trembling from the anger that bubbles inside him. His razor sharp claws digging into his own skin as he growls, "I'm twice the demon you'll ever be!" His snarl curls into a smirk as he removes his fists from his sides, straightening his posture to match the man before him. Anti places his hands on his hips, inching towards Dark, "and I'm twice your size."

The gray skinned demon storms over to the smirking demon, losing ahold of his composure by the second. Narrowing his eyes and shoving Anti backwards, he stumbles back, falling against the wall.

Dark straightens his suit, pacing back towards the emerald haired demon, "Don't test me, Septiceye," he warns, now only inches away from his enemies face. "I'll kill you."

Anti's smirk never once faltering as confidence continues to radiate off of him, only angering Dark further. He stares into Dark's crimson, loathing eyes. "I'd like to see you try."

Dark's fingers lace around Anti's neck, cutting off his airways and slamming him into the wall behind him, "this is your last chance. Leave. Now." Dark hisses, grip still tight around the others pale neck.

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