I Fell //Danti

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I Fell (smut, vanilla)
Art: DMFIREXD she's so talented, check her out❤️
Summary: "No strings attached," that's what we discussed, but what we didn't discuss was how hard it would be after I fell for those ruby red eyes.
Word Count: 1515


It always started off the same way, he would come in from behind, arms lacing around my waist and press a gentle kiss to the nape of my neck.

"Anti," my name would tumble from his lips in a whispered tune, another kiss pressed to my pale skin.

"I need a favor."

I always play dumb, he prefers it that way. A smirk would play off my lips, leaning my head back to rest against his shoulder.

"What can I do for you, handsome?"

"I need you," the words made my heart flutter, my first assumption being he means he wants to be with me, my heart aching slightly as his hand grabs my ass, the realization setting in.

However, I nod, accepting his hands as they slide up my chest.

Fingers fiddle with the buttons on my shirt, slowly pushing it down off my shoulders. He compliments my freckles, telling me how adorable they are peppered over my skin. Lips lingering over my shoulder before he places another gentle kiss. A shiver runs down my spine, hands reaching behind me to grasp at raven locks.

He hums approvingly at my submissive nature, slowly grinding against me. He takes the lobe of my ear between his teeth and nibbles on the skin, pulling away for only a moment to whisper into my ear, "let's take this to your room."

My room, the only room we agreed to use. He refuses to have sex in his, possibly because it's more convenient to use mine, being the first room down the hall. However, it's more than likely because he doesn't want to soil his own. . .

I push the thought away as I'm lifted off the ground, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. Dark nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, sucking a sweet purple hue into my porcelain skin, smirking to himself as I release a breathy moan.

He pushes my door open then kicks it shut behind us.

What happens next depends on how desperate he is, usually he throws me on to the bed, instantly towering over me. Tonight however, he lays me down gently, caressing my face as he looks down at me. He presses his lips against mine, I gasp.

We agreed, no kissing.

Although I don't complain. Our lips move in sync, a way I never imagined they would. The kiss isn't full of hunger and lust, it's tender—almost sweet. My heart beats faster as his hands glide down my form.

My hands travel up his thighs, following his curves until I reach the collar of his shirt, I pull him closer and deepen the kiss, desperate for more. My tongue circles around his, taking control of the kiss. A soft moan escapes him as I leave no area of his mouth left unexplored.

I pop each button out of place, pulling the soft material back. I pull away from his lips, still swollen and red, a small strand of saliva connecting us. Nimble fingers pull his shirt open, examining the pale, muscular body that resides behind it.

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