Fan art // Septiplier

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Fan art(smut)
Art: LoverRevolveri on deviantart
Summary: Jack has been getting spammed with smutty fanart lately and when Mark catches him looking at it. . .well, maybe it's time to do something about it.
Word count: 1079


All moisture leaves the Irishman's mouth as he stares at the image plastered across his screen. Fans have been relentless lately, tagging Jack in graphic images of him and his best friend. The one that has currently captured his attention is a gif of the two friends kissing, fighting for dominance until Mark's hand reaches down for Jack's crotch.

Jack's hand flies to his mouth, muffling the gasp that escapes through chapped lips. He glances nervously around the living room, aware that his roommate has gone out to get groceries but scans the room for reassurance. Jack grips the bottom of his shirt and pulls it over head, eyes fixated on the screen. The screen begins to darken as he throws his shirt off to the side, eager fingers tap repeatedly on the screen to keep the image moving.

Fingers pull at the draw string of his pajama pants before slipping his hand in. Jack's palms his growing member gently, a soft moan coming from him as he leans his head back against the couch. The subtle arch of his back becoming more pronounced as he continues, his lip being pulled in by the grip of his teeth. Pleasure coursing through Jack's veins as he slips his hand beneath the fabric of his boxers, wrapping his fingers around his shaft.

"Fuck," is all the flustered boy can mutter as he tightens his grip, moving at a slower pace, teasing himself.

Nervous eyes glance around the room a final time before he takes his hand out of his pants. Jack slides the remaining fabric down to his thigh and spits into his palm with what little spit he has left, quickly returning his hand back to his shaft.

Since we had Jack become so desperate that he needs to resort to gifs to get himself off? He thinks for a moment, unsure if he should stop, what if Mark comes home?

Fuck it, Jack thought, already engulfed in his own pleasure. His hand maneuvers swiftly around himself, aware of his body's desires. Stroking, gripping, teasing himself, just the way he likes. Reveling in his own form, he moans.

"Mark, fuck!" Is all Jack can get out as he quickens his pace.

A click erupts from the front door's lock, snapping Jack back to reality. Shit.

Jack struggles to find something to cover himself with, settling upon a nearby blanket, and throwing it over his exposed flesh as his roommate opens the door.

"Hey Jack, whatcha doin—" Mark asks, eyes already fixated on the phone that Jack left unguarded on the sofa. Jack quickly matches his eye line and flips the phone timorously.

"Fuck, Mark, I—" Jack struggles to say as his roommate nears him, setting the groceries down on the coffee table. Chocolate eyes fall upon the blanket thrown lazily across Jack's legs, pale skin poking out from. Jack tightens his grip on the blanket, face burning as he watches Mark examine him.

"Mark, I can explain."

Mark glances back up at the nervous boy, smirk already apparent across his tanned face.

"Please, do." 

Jack gulps, swallowing what little dignity he had left, "well, you see. Uh, some of our fans have been sending me. . .fanart and I was just looking at it."

Mark nods, eliciting him, "uh huh?"

"And I, uh. That's it."

Mark steps closer to Jack, hovering over his shaking form, "that's it?"


Mark grabs ahold of the blanket Jack is clinging to and yanks it off of him, his smirk only continuing to grow as he stares down at Jack's member.

"Really? Because it appears to me that someone was being, naughty," Mark coos in Jack's ear. Jack's hands fumble to cover himself, only to have them ripped away from blocking Mark's view.

"Don't be bashful, Jack. I just want to see what you were up to." Mark presses a gentle kiss to Jack's jawline, smirking into the skin as he feels Jack physically tense. "Tell me what you were really up to, and be honest with me, friends don't lie."

Jack's chest begins to rise and fall at an alarming speed as he stares ahead of him, refusing to make eye contact with his best friend.

"I. . .I was masterbating."

"Well then, allow me to help you finish." Mark presses his lips to Jack's neck, sucking a dark bruise into his porcelain skin as his hand roams over his chest, searching for sensitive areas. Jack audibly gasps as Mark's fingers glide over his nipple, grabbing the stub with two fingers, twisting and tugging.

Jack releases a soft moan, arching himself into Mark's touch, "please." Mark's lustful eyes dart down to Jack's leaking member and grasps it, gliding his thumb over the tip, pulling a whiny moan from the smaller male.

Mark presses wet kisses all over Jack's neck as he strokes his friend, quivering beneath him.

"Faster, please." Mark obeys and moves his hand at a higher pace, moving his attention from marking Jack's neck to kissing his swollen lips. Jack moans against his lips, grasping the side of Mark's face desperately.

The dominant flips the two over, Jack now on his back, trembling beneath him, hands reaching up and wrapping around Mark's neck. Mark presses his tongue against Jack's chapped lips, asking for permission before being immediately granted access. Jack's submissive nature allowing Mark to do whatever he pleases with him.

Mark grinds against him, jeans rubbing against Jack's exposed bottom half. Taking in Jack's natural beauty as he lays beneath him, a sweaty, panting mess. His brown locks curled from the sweat beading on his forehead. His once porcelain skin now glowing blooming rose  red. Desperate hands peel off Mark's shirt, tossing it to the floor before returning back to the dominant. Mark winces slightly as Jack drags his fingers down his back, scratching his tanned skin. Mark puts more pressure into each of his dry humps, watching the submissive lurch backwards with each thrust.

"Fuck—close," Jack grunts. Mark's lips latch onto the base of Jack's neck, nipping and sucking at the flesh, fingers and thrusts gaining momentum to help Jack reach his climax.

"Come on Jack, come for me," Mark whispers against the hot flesh, grinning as he hears his friends whimpers grow in volume.

"Oh fuck," Jack hisses as he releases all over Mark's hand and his own chest. Mark smirks down at him, slowing his hand to help him come down from his high.

"That was hot."

Hi, long time no see! Sorry for the wait but I was focused on summer classes, but hey—now they're over so like I have free time again! So maybe you'll be seeing me more often from now on? :D

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