The Secret //Danti

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The Secret (fluff)
Art: upinanorlondo on tumblr
Summary: "I believe I've developed feelings for someone," Dark uttered, breaking the silence between the two.
Word count: 1395


Silence fell amongst the two demons as they ate alone at the table. The only way they enjoyed it really, sitting alone, anyway from anyone else, just enjoying each other's company. Anti took a bite of his sandwich, one that was arguably too big for his own mouth and hummed contently as he stared off in space.

"I believe I've developed feelings for someone," Dark uttered, breaking the silence between the two. Anti gasped, causing himself to choke on his lunch before Dark came to his aid, patting his back until his best friend was able to swallow the bite.

"What? You have to tell me!" Anti drops the remains of the sandwich on the table and smirks at the demon beside him. He drapes his arm around the raven haired demon and pulls him close, "so, who's the lucky person?" Anti asks, making sure not to specify on gender, knowing his best friend fancies all of them.

Dark rolls his eyes, maneuvering out from underneath Anti's grip, "I won't tell you like it's some cheap gossip Anti, I have to be sure first."

Anti plops down dramatically in his chair and groans loud enough to catch the attention of nearby demons, making Dark straighten his posture slightly.

"Oh Anti, it isn't that big of a deal."

Anti lifts his head off the table long enough to pout at his best friend before laying his head back down, "it is a big deal! Why can't you just tell me Dark? Why do you have to be so mysterious all the time!"

Dark feels the corners of his mouth tingle as he watches Anti's reaction play out. A smile threatening to work it's way to his lips, although he fights to keep his expression neutral. "I don't know Anti, guess that's just who I am."

Anti groans, never once lifting his head from the table as he responds, "well you should pretend to be someone else for just a moment so they can tell me who you like." Dark covers his mouth with his hand to keep himself from smiling as he stares down at the green haired demon beside him.

"Sorry Anti, no can do."

The bell rings, signaling that lunch has ended so Dark grabs his tray and stands. He finds himself standing in place, waiting for his best friend to pry himself off the table in another dramatic attempt to get Dark to revel his secret.



Anti groans and stamps his foot as he snatches his plate off the table. Dark watches him contently as he stomps over to the garbage can, mumbling to himself before throwing his plate in the bin. Anti storms out of the cafeteria, listening to the faint patter of feet behind him as Dark jogs up from behind, trying to keep up the same pace.

"You're fast when you're angry," he chuckles slightly at the observation, although his friend just cuts his eyes at him; unamused.

"Wouldn't know."

Dark steps in front of him, allowing other demons to pass by as he blocks his smaller, emerald haired friend. "You're upset with me?"

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