Secret Admirer // Septiplier

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Secret Admirer (fluff) *unedited*
Summary: Jack is the only openly gay kid at his school and is having a hard time dealing with it, that is—until he finds a note from his secret admirer.
Word count: 3850


The smell of Azaleas linger in the spring air, grass tickling against my skin underneath the pleats of my snowy white skirt. I bask in the warmth of the April sun, heating my porcelain skin into a rosy glow. I scan the flowers that surround me, colors of purple, pink and white lay beneath me. I pluck a daffodil from the earth, it's wilted and weak but that's why I like it, it's imperfections marking it's beauty unique.

My mint green hair dances in the chilly breeze as I tuck the flower behind my ear. Propping my pencil and pad against the thighs as I recreate the scenery on the paper below.

I love spring, the birds sing in melody overhead, the flowers blooming all around, everything is in bloom and new.

Maybe even a new chance at romance.

My eyes wander around the courtyard, watching other students carry on idle conversations, catching up on classwork and. . .kissing. A sigh tumbles from my lips as I pull the flower from behind my ear, dropping it on the ground below.

I've come to terms that I'm the only gay kid at my school but that doesn't make it any easier.
I'm lonely—and that's the way I always have been, and am going to stay:


I brush off my skirt and collect my things; glancing around the yard once more as I stuff my sketchbook into my pastel pink book bag before exiting towards the building.

The slight crunching of the grass beneath my feet soothes me, it helps my mind block out the whispers and insults people spew as I pass. This is the way it's been ever since I came out two years ago, people snickering and point as I walk by, I try my best to ignore it but deep down it gets to me. I'm lucky enough to have friends by my side that support me, without their love and support. . .I'm not sure if I would even be here right now.

I spot a familiar blonde jogging over to me as I place my belongings into my locker, he leans against the cold metal, blue eyes shinning down on me.

"Hey Jack! I noticed you weren't in the cafeteria for lunch today, everything okay?"

Felix, even though he's the most popular guy in school, still makes time for me, constantly checking up on me like a concerned parent. I nod, brushing the dirt off of his soccer jersey, "yes Felix, I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

He places a soft hand onto my shoulder. Although his smile still shines brightly, his eyes fill with sorrow. "Well, I just want to make sure, I worry about you."

A soft chuckle escapes my lips as I smile back up at him, "yes mother, I know. I was just trying to finish up some sketches before lunch ended." I slip the sketchbook into my locker and smile up at him, "It's almost full you know, an entire years worth, almost completed." Felix takes the sketchbook from my locker, opening it up, his grin continuing to grow.

"You're so talented, Jack. I wish you'd try to sell some of these, people would pay top dollar for your art." I roll my eyes and take the book back from his hands, "no one would pay for my silly little doodles, they just help soothe me when I'm feeling anxious or alone."

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