Toxic //Janti

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Toxic (smut)
Summary: Maybe that's why I stayed, maybe that's why I should of left, maybe he's just toxic.
Word Count: 1514


It all started two years ago, at a small coffee shop off Main Street. He was sitting at a table alone, steaming coffee in hand, eyes fixated on me as I entered the shop. I tried to avoid his gaze, I told myself he was looking at someone else—anyone else, someone as attractive as him would never even glance in my direction but every time I snuck another peak, we locked eyes.

For a moment I allowed myself to stare back, and it was intense. Oceanic eyes locked in a heated gaze with an unnaturally beautiful green; almost inhumanly green. I should have turned away, ordered my coffee and left, but I didn't. I found myself following his finger as he languidly beckoned me closer.

He kicked the chair across from him out and I found myself sitting down. His eyes never once left me, I ran a nervous hand through my hair, an embarrassed laugh escaping me.

This wasn't something I did often, or. . .ever. I was too awkward to speak to someone as captivating as he was. I wasn't sure what to do or what to say, so he spoke first.

"Hey." That smile, that dammed smile lured me in with just one glance. Pearly white teeth glistened at me, my breath caught in my throat as I examined his teeth. . .they were sharp, horrifyingly sharp.

"What's your name?"

His voice came out smooth and sensual; something I'd never understand how to do myself. My voice always weak and strained when speaking to someone new.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, he raises his eyebrows in a disapproving way, making my entire body tense. My eyes fall to the floor, my own name slipping through my lips without permission.

"Sean, b-but I prefer Jack."

A soft chuckle, "Sean?"

My face reddens, standing to my feet, fists balled at my sides, "why are you laughing—what's wrong with my name?"

He scoffs, scanning me lazily before motioning for me to sit back down. I find my body moving on it's own, plopping down in front of him, waiting patiently for his response.

"It's cute. It suits you well."

My body continues to baffle me as it takes charge once again; cheeks burning intensely at his words.

"Oh. . .th-thank you."

The man cocks his eyebrows at me, smirk returning to his cheeks, "don't look so nervous little one. I don't bite. . .hard," His teeth glistening as he speaks, eyes never once leaving mine.

"The names William, but you can call me Anti. Or daddy," he shrugs, smug grin never faltering, "whichever you prefer."

"Oh, okay—um, Anti. . .what exactly do you want from me?"

His eyes linger over me once more, licking his lips like a predator about to devour his prey.

"I have a proposition for you little one."

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