Confession // Septiplier

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Confession (fluff)
Art: cartoonjunkie on deviantart
Summary: "Ugh, I cant take it anymore—Mark, I'm in love with you."
Word count: 735


An exasperated sigh leaves the lips of the Irish man as he crumples up yet another piece of paper and tosses it in the bin. He sits his pencil down on his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tries to force another idea into mind.

"Come on Jack, this isn't the way to tell him," he motions to the balled up love letters scattered around the floor as he mumbles under his breath.

Jack pushes himself back from his work desk and approaches his mirror, running a hand through his disheveled hair as he does so. His appearance, ragged and worn from chasing after the dreams of his roommate each night. Sleep was no longer a luxury he possessed, not since his best friend moved in a few months ago.

His hair, now sore at the roots from all tugs in frustration over the boy he knows he could never have. Hands aching from countless attempts to write out his feelings towards the half Korean man.

He stares at a picture of the two at their recent trip to Disney, a simpler time. Life was far easier for Jack when distance was kept between the two, but now, Jack had to fight his urges and pretend.
He had to pretend that he didn't go weak in the knees every time Mark entered the room. He had to pretend he didn't get goosebumps all over his body when he heard Mark's deep, gravely voice in the mornings. He had to pretend his never scribbled down 'Mr. Sean William McLoughlin-Fischbach', every time he attempt to jot down video ideas. He had to pretend that he didn't fantasize a life together, starting a family and growing old.

He had to pretend he wasn't falling in love.

Jack takes a deep breath before speaking to his reflection that stared back hopelessly at him, "Mark, there's something I need to tell you."

The emerald haired boy shakes his head and narrows his eyes at his own reflection, "you can do this Jack, he's your best friend—he won't be mad, he can't hate you for something like this."

Jack's eyes widen in fear as he cups his face in his hands, "oh god, what if he does hate me for this— what if he moves out because of it!" He takes another well needed deep breath before shaking his head, "no, Mark isn't like that. . .he may not feel the same way but he would never be mad for something like that. He's a great guy."

Jack tugs at his hair, groaning in frustration, "he's the greatest—ugh why does he have to be so damn perfect!"

He paces back and forth as he continues to find the right words to say, "Mark, we've been friends for a long time now and—" another groan, "no, that's not it."

"Hey Mark guess what? I'm gay, and have a huge gay crush on you—isn't that cool?"

Jack rolls his eyes and stuffs his hands in his pockets as he continues to pace around his bedroom.
"Listen up Fischbach— okay no, that sounds like I'm threatening him." He pauses, and turns back to his mirror, "Mark, I—ugh, I can't take it anymore—Mark, I'm in love with you!"

A chuckle comes from behind him, Jack's eyes widening as he sees his roommate standing in the reflection of his mirror. Jack spins around, fear plastered across his face as he scans the man in front of him,

"Mark! How much did you hear?!"

Rubicund cheeks glow brightly off the half Korean man as he smiles back at his roommate, "all of it."

Jack places his hand over his mouth and gasps, "I— you weren't," Mark slowly approaches the other man, smile only continuing to grow at the embarrassment radiating off of Jack's face.

"Jack, it's alright. I kind of already knew."

"You did?"

Mark chuckles and nods, picking up Jack's journal from his desk and smiling down at Jack's recent scribbles, "yeah. I did."

Jack awkwardly looks down at his feet, tears brimming in his eyes, "I'm sorry. . ."

Mark smiles softly at him, "don't be sorry Jack, I have feelings for you too."

Jack looks up, smile playing off his lips, "you do?"

Mark chuckles and nods, "yeah, I have a huge gay crush on you," he teases as he steps closer to the Irish man. Jack laughs, and meets Mark the rest of the way before wrapping his arms around his neck and finally kissing the lips he's been dreaming of for so long.

"You're such a goof."

"But I'm your goof."


Short little fluff for you guys, hope you enjoyed it. I have a lot on my plate at the moment since I still have 2 books that aren't finished and now I'm writing one shots, but I hope you can stick with me because there is more to come! ❤️❤️

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