Why I love him //Danti

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Why I love him (fluff)
Art: SketchyOwlBook on deviantart
Summary: "How in the world could you possibly love him William—he's a loser!"
Word count: 1586
*A quick update since I've promised one for..awhile and have yet to do so.


"Anti I don't know about this," Dark mumbles, confused fingers fumbling with the black silk that dangles around his neck. His lover chuckles, approaching him from behind before lacing loving his arms around Dark's neck. "Well it shows, you're awful with ties babe." Anti loops the tie, a smirk forming as he pulls him close by the smooth silk that intertwines between his fingers.

Dark groans, fighting to conceal the blush that appears across his cheeks, "you know damn well that isn't what I meant." Anti sighs, nodding slightly. He was well aware of what his boyfriend meant, he was just trying to make the best out of a situation he knew they both won't enjoy.

"Baby, I know you're nervous but I'm sure my mother will love you." Dark shrugs his lover away before trudging over to their shared bed and falling dramatically onto his back.

Dark's fingers nervously combing through his faded red tips, "you don't know that Anti."

The green haired male plops down beside him, placing a loving hand on his boyfriend's thigh. He opens his mouth to speak but the sound of a gentle knock snaps both of their heads towards the door.

"Guess we're about to find out," Anti pushes himself up off the bed and stands. Dark follows quickly behind, snatching his lovers hand in a tight grip.


Anti turns, eyes locked with his lovers and he notices something he's never seen in those ruby red eyes before, fear.

"What's wrong, baby?"

Dark shuffles nervously, focusing his attention on the floor after noticing his partners face drop.

"I just. . .maybe this isn't a good time."

Anti scoffs slightly, smiling at Dark compassionately, "hey, I get it. I'm scared too, but it will be okay. I promise." he says reassuringly, lifting his chin between his thumb and forefinger.

Dark's expression softens, shoulders falling slack as Anti leans closer, eyes fluttering shut before pressing his lips to his boyfriend's.

Anti pulls back, resting his forehead against Dark's, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Dark can feel his heart beating faster with each step closer to the entrance of their apartment. Anti reaches for the door but it opens on its own, a large woman following suit.

"William! Baby! Come give mommy a hug!" The woman waddles into the room, kitten heels struggling to support her every step. Dark always knew Anti's family had money but his mother made sure to flaunt it with her appearance. Her chocolate hair was tied up into a bun atop her head, not a single strand out of place. Her pantsuit hugged her form tightly, stretching to keep everything in position. Her lips, overdrawn and bright red curled into a smile once her emerald eyes fell upon her favorite child.

Standing in the same room as Anti's mother made Dark feel insignificant and misplaced. This woman was wealthy, powerful and surprisingly enough let all that power go straight to her oversized head. Her flabby arms wrap around his boyfriend, worrying him that if she squeezes any harder his head just might pop off. Once her cellulite covered limbs release him she glances over to Dark, eyes narrowing slightly behind that fake smile of excessively polished teeth.

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