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Scarlett Johansson to the side or up above as Ahsîela.

Chapter 1

- A growl erupted from the depths of the forest, causing me to awaken from my slumber. I yawned and stretched, rolling over on my back in the softness of my flower bed.

It was already dawn, the sun still hid behind the trees, it made most of the leaves look on fire. I sat up, my eyes wondering into the shadowy trees that outlined a border, surrounding me and locking me in a closed circle.

I felt awful everyday to know that as a faery, I couldn't leave this place as much as there was more to explore in the forest. I was caged in by darkness, by my own fear, this place was the only open area in the forest of Shylôm that reminded me of home.

The star filled sky, sparkled above, shining down on the crystal pond in the centre of the field, it glistened vibrantly. The calm winds blew puffs of fluffy buds about the place, making it seem magical as the rose bushes and grass swayed to and fro.

I just wanted to stay here, never to enter the blackened forest again where predators and danger always lurk and settle.

But, another growl broke through the silence again, making me shriek and hide, lying low in the tall grass. As much as the creatures never break the tree line because of a transparent barrier, as an inexperienced fae, I am always scared. Just by the hungry glare of a beast at the edge of the woods causes me to shrink in size; literally, but that wasn't the problem now...

A louder growl sliced through the night, sounding more in pain and danger than ferocious and intimidating. It still caused a shudder to run down my frail spine and I sighed. A predator is finally feeling a prey's pain.

I stood up in the faint light of the early morning and walked towards the pond for a drink of fresh water. Then I halt when a gargled sound echoed from the darkness, followed by the excruciated voice of a man. It was nonstop and only seemed to die down when he ran out of oxygen, then it began again. My heart melted in my chest and tears threatened to fall when his cry entangled with my nerves, hitting my soft spot.

Why am I like this? Why am I so weak to people who need help? I'm a faery for crying out loud! It's in my blood to be strong, cunning, wise and to trust no one, but I can't help myself...

I gave the crystal pond one last look before reluctantly flying off into the trees. It was hard to fly quickly because of how close the trees grew, but I managed to skim my way through, following the parched sound. The clustered shadows made my skin crawl and every now and then, the breaking of twigs, the croaking of human sized frogs and the screeching of flesh eating birds would harshly snap at my frightened soul, but I continued to move forward.

I gasped once I saw him, his eyes squeezed shut in agony, his face twisted into a pained scowl and a silver bear trap latched around his right ankle. Otherwise from that, he looked inhumanely beautiful. I saw through all the blood and deep cuts that were hiding his body structure and noticed that he must be carved from the hands of a god or goddess. He couldn't be human, he, himself was radiating pure beauty and my cheeks went warm for staring so long when he was wearing his original birthday suit.

I lowered myself slowly from levitation, going down on my knees beside his head. And before I could think it through, my hands cradled his head to my chest, my chin resting in the fluffiness of his dirty blonde hair and with a concentrated sigh, I began to pour energy into him through our touch. His scrapes and scars healed quickly, only leaving blood marks staining his skin.

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