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3 months later...

- I stood, leant against the side of the Pack House, with Ciré stooping before me, his hands underneath my shirt, feeling my swollen tummy.

He looked up at me every now and then to see my reaction, but they were vague, because of my constant thinking.

I never expected us to find a pack that would accept us, but now that I was dwelling on the subject, its probably because I was pregnant.

No pack would ever allow another Alpha to stay there in case the Alpha decides to overthrow the current one in leadership, except for this generous one.

Its been 2 months since we had settled here and 3 months of my pregnancy. Everyone had been so kind and looking down at my inflated stomach right now, I smiled. The fetus inside of me was the only reason why we had a place to stay.


I looked up into the very captivating emerald green eyes of my twin soul.


"Its been three months." He stated, worry lacing his voice and I sighed.

Yes, it was just over 3 months. I was supposed to have my baby 2 days ago, but there's still no signs of life... well, for him.

I knew my baby was alive, I felt her power simmering within me every time Ciré got close. He didn't know that though.

"Stop worrying. The kid is okay." I told him.

He searched my eyes a little longer for confirmation and reassurance, then he whispered to me...

"I trust that you're speaking the truth."

He pulled me into his arms and I wrapped my small ones around his torso. My baby bump kept our lower halves apart and it fluttered. My womb started to buzz with energy. The sensation was ticklish and had me giggling.

Ciré pulled away to look at me and the loss of his extreme closeness calmed the fetus. I wiped away the tears that escaped my eyes and peered up at him innocently.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

I grabbed his hands to reach for my tummy and he placed them at the sides where he usually felt. I bit my lip and shook my head, this time, guiding them to rest below my bump.

My stomach buzzed silently and I smiled.

"Do you feel that?"

His eyes were wide and his lips parted in awe. He nodded frantically and then, he grinned.

"Why is it vibrating?"

"Because you're close. It always reacts to your closeness, Ciré." I said and he chuckled.

"Wow... Very energetic, I can tell."

I nodded as the corner of my lips twitched upward. Ciré smiled, still looking down at me. Our eye contact barely lasted a minute, before the Beta's voice echoed over the speakers announcing lunch time.

I'm the first to move off and Ciré followed slowly behind. We joined the crowd of wolves heading inside and I felt his fingers lace with mine.

We decided to take the long way, so that we could walk together in peace. During our walk, we found things to talk about and our laughs penetrated the silence of the deserted hallway, bouncing off the walls.

Suddenly, a door further down opened and a pregnant werewolf stepped out with a man behind her. She was holding her stomach with a smile on her face as they walked in our direction.

They reminded me of Ciré and I.

It's like, she and the guy were too consumed in whatever they were laughing about to see us and as much as I saw them, I couldn't avoid her. My stomach buzzed when we got closer and, like that, we bumped shoulders.

The impact got her to notice us and at the same time, both our waters broke and liquid rushed down our legs, to the floor.

I gasped, Ciré grabbed my shoulders to steady me just as the other guy's eyes flashed with panic.

They seemed to all freeze, not knowing what to do and I choked out:

"Pack Doctor. Now."

That seemed to get them moving and Ciré picked me up bridal style as the man did with the lady. He rushed down the hallway and we followed behind.

We were met with noise that made me cringe and the man shouted a load of profanities in order to part the onlookers.

I cried out as a burst of pain hit me, paralyzing my whole body.

What is this?! I asked myself, but I guess I said it out loud since Ciré told me shakily as we ran.

"Contraction. You're going into labour."

What the fuck is that?


My eyes snapped to the couple running before us when the female cried out.

"Honey, it's okay! I'm here!" The man hushed her, trying to sooth her, but it was worthless.

Everything was worth less!

I felt it. I felt it for me and the woman before us! I felt our pain! And I turned to look at Ciré with crazed eyes.

I snarled, "Ciré!" my tongue rolling when pronouncing the "r" in his name.

"Get this child out of me!"

I screamed, hoping that the faery and moon goddess that put us together could feel my wrath and pain.

Why the fuck is this so painful?

What did I ever do to deserve this?


That is it! Wallah!💁💁

Hope you enjoyed! Once again thanks for the support throughout this book!🙌🙌

It has been a great feeling. Love you! Muah!😘

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