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Bring me to life by Evanescence

Trigger Warning: This chapter and the other to follow will be filled with violence, blood, death and war. If you can't take it, skip.

If you think you can take it, Read at your own risk!

Chapter 14

- "Ela! Daddy's here!" Sîelî rushed into my room.

It was our birthday, she was excited, but I wasn't.

Ever since mum died, Dad treated me badly. He said I reminded him of mum with my blonde hair and blue eyes.

Ahsîelî is my twin sister, but she had Dad's red eyes instead. She was Daddy's favourite, while I was an outcast.

"Come on! Come on!" she shouted, trying to pull the covers off me.

She didn't understand why I always hid from our father...

But, as we grew, because she spent so much time with Dad when he's around, she adapted his ways of abuse and she started to treat me just the same.

When Dad went under, it became worst.

I was drugged, raped, beaten then set free to run for the rest of my life.

And now, she was close... I could feel it!

My stomach swirled.

I arose from my slumber, staring at nothing in particular as I felt magical tingles hitting against the walls of my stomach.

"Remember our connection down here..." She once said to me.

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