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Chapter 5

- About a minute later, Ciré turned in my direction.

"You can come out now." He said.

I walked out into the opening with my hands behind my back as I looked around. My eyes lingered on the blood splashed grass, but when I looked up at him, he had no scars to show that he had just been fighting.

"So..." I trailed and he watched me expectantly.

I turned my back to him and bent down to grab a shorts and a shirt.

I threw them at his face and he caught them with ease, his eyes meeting mine and I saw them soften. I don't know if he noticed my bad mood, but he was staring at me now.

"Are you-?"-"Will you-?"

We spoke at once then stopped, letting silence fill the awkward gap for a while, then he decided to speak first.

"Will you come with me?' He asked and my eyes widened.

What?! I wanted to ask, but my mouth only gaped.

"I want you to come back to my Pack with me." He said again and I looked away and down at my feet.

He wanted me to go with him? How will I fit in? I'm a faery and he and his Pack are all werewolves.

As if to see the questions written all over my face, he made a suggestion, "You can tell them that you're half werewolf and you can't shift."

I glanced back up to his eyes to see that he was serious. He actually wanted me to come with him.

"Why do you want me with you?"


"Why do you want me with you?"

His eyes widened the slightest and his lips parted, but nothing came out. He hesitated...

"I just... uh," he ran his fingers through his hair with a harsh sigh, "I just can't leave you out here. I mean, you helped me and I won't feel good knowing that you'll be by yourself."

My heart jolted. He cared? Why did he care so much? So many questions skipped through my head at that short moment. A faint smile graced my lips.


"Okay?" He questioned and I nodded.


He beamed down at me then proceeded to gather our clothing that were strewn out across the whole field. I helped a little, folding them neatly, then stacking them on the pile in his arms. And when we were done, he lead me to the edge of the clearing where I stopped. We were about to step into the shadowy forest, whom I always tried to avoid.

"Come on." He said, urging me to move forward, but I only stared down at the ground where the trees met the clearing.

I sighed, my shoulders sagged and I lifted my left feet, then planted it back to the same spot.

"Hey." Ciré said, stepping in front of me.

His eyes met mine and he smoked reassuringly, "I'm here, you know? Nothing can harm you, plus you're strong. What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know. That's how I have always been."

"What's your name?" He suddenly asked and I looked away with a shrug.


"Well, Ahsîela!" He began with emphasis, "I, Ciré, vows to protect you if you ever lose the ability to protect yourself in any way."

The Faery's Dilemma✔ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now