Böπûs 4

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Bonus Chapter 4
The Phase

Sonia's POV

10 years later. . .

"Agh!" I growl, almost sounding choked up and my mum and dad turn to look at me, in fright.

"Sonia!" Mum yells, as I fall out of the couch.

My body feels like it is burning up, my throat is clogged and I wheeze, fidgeting on the floor.

"Oh my God, Ciré! It's happening!"


"Get her outside!"

What is happening. . .?

Suddenly, cool wind hits me from all over and I exhale, just as another set of voices come filing into my breathing space.

I start to cough, scratching at my throat and croaking out words, unfamiliar to my lips, "Sine Bedestool, Tryme— Agh!"

"Put her down there!" Someone orders, and I'm lowered, until my back hits cool pine like grass.

Heavy steps come from my left along with the voice of William's mother, "Is it happening?!" She shrieks, "William suddenly flew up out of bed and ran out here!"

"Get him away!"

Chaos. I can hear it all around me. All these voices and weird sounds, holds no meaning.

Then, my kneecap twists to an awful angle, snapping out of place, shifting. I scream from the pit of my stomach, digging my nails into the earth.

A ghost touch passes over my cheek and a whisper, "Everything is going to be alright, Sonia."

I hope so. . .


I gasp, barely managing to open my watery eyes. A blurry figure is racing towards me and I wince.


"Will, stay calm!"

"No way! This is different!"

What is?

"Will, you went through your phase earlier today. That's what is happening to Sonia right now, so, give her some space." My dad, I am guessing, puts a rigid hand on his shoulder, trying to usher him back.

William rips away from his hold, shouting, "Look at her! Is this normal to you?!"

I groan, trying to understand what they're going on about, but, my head starts pounding from the brawl and confusion.

"Well," I hear Ciré say, "It is normal to me. After all, my wife is a faery, this is nothing to be worried about."


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