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Please Don't Leave Me by P!nk

Chapter 4

— I sat up and stretched my hands high into the air with a soft tired yawn. When they flopped by my side again, I slumped lazily, staring into the bushes.

    "Slept well last night?"

    I looked up, squinting my eyes so that I could see his face, but immediately looked back down when I noticed he's half naked. Heat crept up into my cheeks, but I fought it away with a shake of my head.

    "Did you?" I asked, suddenly remembering what I did to him. The melancholy in his eyes...

    Guilt washed over me again...

    "I slept okay, but you were shaking... I noticed when I– uh..." He quickly cut himself off before sending me a worried look, "Are you okay?"

    My heart sank in my chest. Why was he concerned? We still didn't know each other. I still didn't trust him. We haven't even exchanged names.

    "I'm fine." I stated, before rising to my feet.

    For a short moment, I glanced in his direction as he turned to walk away. My eyes skimmed over his toned back, sharp shoulders and the sink following his spine before disappearing into his shorts. Water dripped from his hair which seemed darker when wet and slid down the back of his neck, then further down... I ripped my eyes away.

    Why did I accept his request to stay again? Whether he was trying or not, he was being a huge distraction.

    He stretched his arms into the air with a monstrous yawn and when his muscles expanded, like magnet, the scene pulled my eyes back towards him.

    As if to feel my stare, he cocked his head to the side, looking at me, then he grinned, "The sight is much better when I'm naked, you know?"

    The heat came back to my cheeks and my face went completely red. He chuckled then continued towards the bushes, leading me into a magical overload, and that's when it happened again...

    I shrieked as fairy dust burst from my pores, sprinkling to the ground and disappearing into the tall grass. I fell to the ground, flat on my face, after feeling a bit dizzy and drained. The shield orbed then dissipated...

    Damn it!

    Why was he so damn attractive? I have never been drawn to a man before... Because, I was always alone. Now, at the sight of a man, I think my hormones are going crazy!

    "Hey, fae! Grapes or Mangos?!" He shouted and I lifted my head to see him getting entangled in a grape vine with half a dozen mangos in a shirt he decided to use as a bag.

    I groaned loudly, not wanting to speak since I was laying on my chest, and he chuckled as if he knew the effect he had on me, before yelling, "I'll just get both!"

    I hid my face in the grass again, relaxing as the sun beat down on my back. The wind picked up and it enlightened my skin with sweet caresses, but then...


    My ears twitched and I stilled, on guard.


    I sat up the quickest and turned to look in the direction it came from, staring into the shadows of the forest.

    "Mâgïdē." I whispered in order to enhance my eyesight.

The Faery's Dilemma✔ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now