Chapter One

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Kimmee's P.O.V

I had just gotten on one of the many buses of London.The bus was going to take me to my new address.The reason I wasn't there now was because I was out touring the London streets.I was new to the city and had recently moved from the United States.The only seat that wasn't taken was beside a very attractive man around my age.He had brown curly hair and emerald green eyes.I sat there beside him nervously.I was new and knew nobody.My eyes were focused on the floor before the man cleared his throat."What's your name love?"I shrugged.My family always told me to never talk to strangers.I answered cautiously."My uh name is...Kimmee."He smiled and spoke himself."That is a very beautiful name.My name is Harry.So let me guess that you are new to the great city of London.Correct me if I'm wrong."I shook my head."You are completely correct and thanks."He put his hands up to his hair and ruffled it up."So what do you like to do?"He didn't seem like much of a killer so I figured I could carry on a decent conversation with him.I answered back seconds later."I like to play the piano and I love cheer leading.I love to listen to the Rolling Stones.And yeah.So what about you?"He stopped and sat in deep thought.While he was thinking,I thought I saw his eyes change from the green color to a hazel color.Weird I thought.The sound of his voice brought me out of my thoughts."I like to sing and I like to listen to the Beatles.I do play a bit of soccer."I looked at him with interest.I wanted to know more but the bus came to my stop."Sorry but I have to go."I was about to leave when his hand pulled me to him."Here's my number.Give me a call."With those few words he sent me away with a wink.I was glad to leave for a blush crept its way to my face.

As I entered the door to my apartment,I put his number in my phone.After only a small conversation I couldn't help but think of him.He was all that was on my mind.I was a 20 year old woman and was having thoughts on a guy I just met.His smile was adorable the way his dimples popped out and the twinkle in his eyes was like a star in the nightime sky.His voice held a thick british accent and was hot.Look at me.I sound like a 13 year old in love.I codn't do this again.I can't fall in love.Not after James.I could never go through the abuse and torture ever again.Though I found myself sending a text to Harry.


Hey,I was wondering if you would like to come over.Maybe we could get to know each other a little bit more.

He replied instantly.


Yeah.I will be there soon.

She smiled to herself thinking about the boy that was to show up at her house in a few minutes.She rushed up to her room and unpacked her box that held her make-up.She did a quick touch up and walked downstairs to await her guest.Though she didn't need make-up she wanted to look good for Harry.She took a seat on the couch and got lost in her thoughts.One thought hadn't occured to her earlier.What if he had a girlfriend?A boy as charming as him had to have had a girlfriend.The ringing of the doorbell startled her.She slowly walked to the door.

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