Chapter Six

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Harry's P.O.V

I wanted the date to go perfect.I hope she would enjoy the walk on the beach along with a fancy Italian dinner with a little bit of wine.I made sure everything was fancy and perfect.It had to be perfect because she was the perfect girl.We walked hand in hand on the beach.She seemed satisfied and that made me happy.We shared little conversation because instead of speaking we soaked up the moment.If she wasn't human I would have though she would have been the chief's relative.I don't care though because I'd rather have Kimmee than wait for the long relative.I knew now without a doubt,that I was in love with Kimmee.I hope that she would some time feel the same as I do.

Once the date ended I took her home.She invited me in to watch a movie.We cuddled together on the couch and I loved every second of it.She was my dream girl and I could read that I was her dream guy.When the movie ended she turned to face me.She sat there and we just stared into each other's eyes.I slowly leaned in and felt my lips touch hers.It gave me a tingly feeling.My stomach twisted in knots causing me to shudder.She giggled and pecked my lips.I nervously asked the question I had been dying to ask."Kimmee,will you be my girlfriend?"Her face lit up in surprise.She stared at me in awe before she slowly nodded yes."Yes Harry,I will be your girlfriend. I smiled as she blushed a deep crimson colored red.I looked at the clock and saw it was getting late and I really had to go.I kissed her before saying my goodnight.I left soon after.

As I walked away from her house,I was cautious of James being near.I could still smell him near.If I hadn't had to go I would have stayed.Instead I ran home.I sent Louis to keep watch over her.I hadn't slept enough and needed to sleep before I would become weak.

Kimmee's P.O.V

After that kiss my stomach continued to have butterflies.When he left saddened me but he had to go.I was about to walk upstairs to my room when a knock on my door stopped me."Harry did you forget something?"I asked giggling to myself.No answer.I opened the door thinking it was Harry but was terrified to see James my abusive ex.Why was he here?I left the US to get away from him.I left everything to get away from him.I was scared of what he could do."Hey Kim.Looks like your little boyfriend isn't here to save you now."After those words left his mouth,he grinned an evil grin.The sight made my stomach twist and turn."Jam..ess whh..y yoo..u hhheere?"I was so scared that I was stuttering.He continued to grin."I'm here so that I can finish what I started."He lunged at me but I was to fast for him and jumped out of his way.He landed onto the hardwood floor with a thud.I smiled in achievement to myself.He turned to me and I swear his eyes changed colors from a blue to a dark blackish color.That's not normal I thought.He smirked and quickly jumped at me,pinning me to the floor.I was petrified.So this is how I'm going to die.I will never get to show my love to Harry.I was to caught up in my thoughts before I noticed somebody attack James,sending him against the wall.I looked up the person and couldn't recognize him.James pushed pass him and threw him to the ground.He looked at me and opened his mouth.Revealing a mouth full of sharp fang like teeth.Vampires don't exsist!I must be dreaming.I looked up at my hero and saw him stab James deep into the chest.James dead body crumbled to the floor.James' attacker turned to me and I fainted.

I woke up in a different place.I wasn't home.I didn't know where I was.The memories from last night flooded my mind causing me to scream.I heard footsteps run to the room I was in.I looked up at the doorway to see Harry.Harry?"Kimmee you scared me!I thought somebody was hurting you."He blew a sigh of relief when he noticed I was unharmed."I need answers now!"I was so confused that it made me mad.He sighed and ran a hand through his locks of curly hair."Uh Louis come here please."A man with brown hair and blue eyes walked into the room.I noticed him from last night.I pointed my finger at him."You!You killed James!!You're a murderer."He chuckled to himself.He's seriously laughing."Love I saved your life.He was the murderer.He has killed dozens of people.So I deserve an apology and a thank you for saving your ass!"He than smiled to show he was joking but serious at the same time."Uh thank you?."He smiled and walked out of the room."Uhm babe.That was my best friend Louis.Him and the others are real nice lads."I gave him a confused look before Louis,three other guys,and three girls walked into the room."Babe you're at my house and these are my friends.You know Louis but this is Liam,Zayn,Niall,Ashleigh,Eleanor,and Perrie.Zayn and Perrie are together,Liam and Ashleigh are together,and Louis and Eleanor are together.So that leave Niall as the only single one."At his last sentence the blonde boy whose name was Niall frowned and looked at the ground."Uh hi."They all said their hello's to me.

The rest of the day was spent by me learning about all the others.By the end of the day we ha become all great friends.Me and the girls really hit it off well.They too had something like the attack happen to them.Though when the boys got to know me they began to share strange looks with Harry.I brushed it off of my shoulder and went along with it.The day went well.I made new friends and got to know new people.

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