Chapter 12

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A/N:Finally I get to update.So how do you guys like this story?I hope you like it.Once I finish this story I have plans to write another Liam one.How are you all doing?Well back to the story.

Harry's P.O.V

I chased after them for hours.It was up to about the third hour.I was getting weak.They must be hurting her.I ran towards a cliff.I stopped dead in my tracks before reaching the end.There floated her red and blue hoodie in the deep water below.I started to panic.She couldn't be gone because I would have already died by now.I searched around and my eyes set upon a little cave not to far away.So Paul was trying to trick me.Idiot.

I could smell her scent now as I came closer to the cave.I heard faint voices inside."Wait until she wakes up.Then we may get some information."It was Jake the head master of the flesh eaters.Paul spoke."But sir that Harry guy is still searching for her.I think he is the one to be destined with her."Jake scoffed."There's nothing attractive about her so he's definitely only with her due to the legend."I clenched my teeth together.She was gorgeous and the smartest and sweetest person I know.I want to kill him just for saying that about her.I tried to walk closer but a branch creaked under my foot.I cursed to myself and darted off.They ran out of the cave.I could see them but they couldn't see me.

"He's out there somewhere.We should kill her now master."Jake shook his head."NO!"Paul just face palmed and went back inside.Jake was hesitant before going back.

I let out a breath I hadn't know I was holding.I was terrified she'd get hurt or worse killed.I had to wait it out though.If I tried to get her now then they could easily kill the both of us.I have to wait until they aren't active.They would be at 3AM.I had only four hours left.All that was left to do was wait.I told you before.I would do anything for that girl in there.

Kimmee's P.O.V

I woke up from my deep dark sleep.I looked around and was confused as to where I was.I saw Paul walk over to me and all of yesterday's memories came flooding into my mind.Fear soon took over.I couldn't run because my only way out was locked.I also noticed I was in a stupid small cell with a torch on the wall beside my cell door.The only lighting in this stupid place was fire burning on the torches.I was hoping Harry would barge into this cave to be the hero and rescue me.But no.He never came."So looks like Sleeping Beauty has woken master."Paul spoke behind him.I looked at the shadow that emerged from behind my broad shouldered attacker."Ahh.Hello love.What is your name?"I kept my mouth shut."Come on."I shook my head to the side."Okay well I want you and your little friends to go away to let us feast in peace so my servant Paul will kill you.Doing this would kill off the others.Just wait until day break.So you have only three hours."With that last sentence him and Paul walked away to I'm guessing their living quarters.

I sat there alone in the darkness with only a torch for light.I had begun to doze off when a hand grabbed my own.I flinched and let out a scream."Shh.Kimmee try not to get us caught."Said and irritated Zayn.I looked at him and frowned.He gave me a small smile in return."Zayn why are you here?You could get yourself killed."He chuckled to himself."Love they are inactive now.That's why me and Harry are here to save you."I looked around clueless as to where Harry was."Uhm where is Harry?"Zayn glanced at me nervously and breathed out "He's kinda busy trying to kill the master.Which is why we need to leave."It was then that I noticed my cell door had been broken.I leaped up and ran off with Zayn trying to dodge any obstacles that were in our path.

You could hear the screams coming from their lair.It was ear piercing.I had to cover my ears to keep the from bleeding.I was terrified to see if those were from Harry or Paul or the master dude.The shadow creeping from behind us made my fear grow even bigger.I turned my head and saw a hand grab my waist.I tried to pull away.The curls that popped out of a hoodie changed my mind.I clung onto Harry's body like there was no tomorrow.I didn't want to let go but knew I had to.

The cave was larger than I thought.It took a while ot reach the beginning of it.When the moment of seeing daylight came,I fell and kissed the ground.I was alive.I turned to face Zayn and Harry and saw nobody.When two arms snaked around my neck I realized they hugged me before I could them.I turned and saw Zayn.I gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek before looking at a jealous Harry.I slowly walked over to him.He went in for a kiss but I turned my head,causing him to whine.I giggled and hugged him.When he wasn't paying any attention I slammed my lips to his.It didn't even take him a second to kiss back.We broke away when Zayn cleared his throat.I pulled away blushing."Harry are they dead?"Zayn asked cautiously.Harry shook his head."Only Paul.Jake is out somewhere."Me and Zayn nodded."Let's get home."Zayn stated.

The whole way home Harry carried me.He was scared he would loose me again.I wouldn't let it happen though.The moment I walked into the door,the sound of muffled cries filled the room.I rushed to where the sound was.The sight in front of me made me smile."So she was born early?"I asked Ashleigh who was sitting in Liam's lap holding a baby girl.She nodded without taking her eyes off of the baby."So what is the name?"Ash looked up at me and whispered "Kimberly."I smiled.I took a seat beside Liam and touched the baby's little foot."She's adorable."They nodded.

When the rest of the boys noticed I was back they all charged at me for a hug.I instantly wrapped my arms around each boy.This was the best family I could ask for.They always put a smile on my face.The sentence Harry said while breaking the silence put us all to rest."Well Jake is dead and so are the others."We all silently cheered due to the sleeping child.So all I had left to wait for was my wedding day.Then our story would be just a beginning.

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