2: Wings

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I opted for the pocket. Security was oddly easy to get through without hassle (though I wonder if it helped that the guard was a fan), and Seán stopped to grab a few snacks for me on our way to the gate. Then, he did something I didn't expect.

He upgraded himself to first class.

I was a tad confused, given in the time I had known him (even before I got discovered), he hadn't really gone extravagant on any of his travel expenses. Given I couldn't ask him, anyway, I didn't think much on it.

Everything was calm, even as the plane started to take off. Which, by the way, is a horrifying experience from inside someone's pocket. It was horrifying when I first got on one in someone's luggage, too. Though, thinking about it, the luggage was worse. At least Seán's jacket isn't shifting around as the engines zoom you into the sky.

As the plane began to settle in its flight, Seán tapped the side of his pocket to get my attention.

"Wanna see?"

His whisper was laced with excitement. I wasn't really sure what to make of it. We were on a plane with a bunch of other people, weren't we?

I hesitated.

"Promise, it's safe."

I took a deep breath, murmuring to myself, "He's never lied to you."


I shook the thought. Then flipped off the air next to me for good measure and climbed out onto his hand.

We were in a small room, with walls that didn't quite reach the top of the plane. A wooden-looking sliding door sat closed, opposite of curved windows that had the blinds down. I hopped onto a table that spread across most of the tiny room, staring up at a large screen TV.

"I thought planes were suppose to be cramped," I whispered, just loud enough to break the dull sound of the engines.

"Eh, not oversea flights. And, uh. This is--"

"First class," I noted. I wandered over to the window, hesitating. We were in the air. Really high up.

I kinda wanted to see it. I tried to pull up the shutter myself, but it was stuck fast.

"Behind you," Seán murmured, his hand appearing shortly after to lift it a little for me.

It. Was. Amazing. The city below us was starting to glow as the sun set. Lights sprinkled the ground like stars, headlights of cars lazily driving around.

It all looked so... small. Is this what my world would look like to them? The plane was still climbing, hadn't broken the clouds yet, and I saw people wandering the sidewalks. An odd feeling washed over me,and I think for once, I understood why Seán always seemed worried for me.

I shook it off and looked over my shoulder. "This is amaze... ing..." I furrowed my brow at his slightly pale face, which was buried in his phone. "Hey, Seán, is everything alright?"

"Hm? Yeah! Fine, don't worry 'bout me."

I peered at him. When his eyes glanced nervously to the window behind me, it clicked.

"You're scared of heights."

A sheepish look crossed his face. "Probably sounds really stupid to someone livin' their life with heights everywhere."

I shook my head and put all my weight into closing the shutter. "Not really. I mean, yeah, it'd be kinda silly for me to be scared of 'em, but honestly. First time my dad took me borrowing? Freaked me out how far away everything was!" I straightened out my shirt and wandered over to plop down in front of him. He seemed to relax now that the risk of looking outside was gone. "But I also learned pretty quick that if I fall right, I won't have to worry. I mean, yeah, I can break something if I fall horribly wrong, but nothin' to what you gotta deal with."

At first, I thought his relieved smile was due to my explanation. But something made me rethink it. Then, I realized. I hadn't sat down to talk with him since... well.

He quietly set down his phone. "But, yeah. I. I am. It's pretty dumb,right?"

I shrugged. "Probably dumber ones out there. Like fear of mice or something."

He let out a quiet laugh, seeming determined to keep his voice down.When he looked back, I couldn't help but grin.

For the first time since he rescued me from Ą̡n̷̷͟͢͜t҉͢i̕͞, I saw the smile reach his eyes.

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