4: Off the Chest

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I woke in a cold sweat, my ears still ringing with that thing's laugh. Pure white cloth surrounded me, the entire world gently moving up and down. My breath hitched as my mind caught up with the present, remembered who I was with.

"Yer fine, aos sí. It's justa dream."

There was no static. No shift to his voice. Calm, low, quiet. The sheets shifted, and a shadow covered me.

"Gunna sit up, I got'cha."

My entire world started to move, tilting back. I slumped against Seán's hand. Why did my entire body ache? Once he settled down, I wormed my head out of the sheets and pulled them close around my body. We stared at each other for a long moment. Then, I plunked my head against his chest, muttering incoherently. I felt him shift. My entire body tensed when I felt his other hand rest on my back, my fists clenched in the sheets.

"Just fine. Yer just fine."

I started to relax as the warmth of his hand soaked into my muscles. Gently, ever so gently, he pulled me closer.  Every time I tensed, he waited. By the time I realized what was going on, I had already started to cry.

It had been a very long time since I had been hugged.


"Do ya ever regret leavin'?"

I looked up from my cap of tea, the heat helping me recover from my, ah. Episode. I gave him a quizzical look. "Leaving? My parents?"

He nodded, finishing his bite of pizza before noting, "Ya mentioned ya weren't sure how ya got to Brighton. But then, bein' back here where everyone's got yer accent--"

"I miss 'em."

Seán fell silent as I considered how to continue.

"I didn't want to stay, but I thought I would find other borrowers when I left." I grimaced. "There are no others near where you live. Not that we're that easy to find."

"'s that why ya didn't follow the rules after I found ya?"

I looked at him sheepishly. "You, uh. Knew about those?"

That drew a small chuckle from the man. "Figured there was somethin'. Always is with this typa stuff in fae tales, ya'know?"

I stared at my tea for a long moment before noting, "We're suppose to leave if we've been Seen. For our safety and the safety of all Borrowers, you have to leave so the humans don't learn. Don't get Seen, don't take what will be missed. Don't leave anyone behind." I let out a soft sigh. "Dad once said it's possible for a Borrower who leaves their childhood home to never see another Borrower again. I thought he was exaggerating, but..."

Seán hesitated, then scooted closer. I shrunk back a little and stared up at him. He offered a small smile, "Well, ya got me and Woosh now, right?"

I stared at my tea. My thought must have been evident, as Seán said it for me.

"I know... I know it isn't the same."

"But it helps. A lot."

He gave me a sad smile, then poked me in the side with his pinkie. I squirmed away with a yelp. A bit of a devious twinkle entered his eyes.

"That's not faaaaaair," I whined, wiggling away. The last thing I needed was him trying to tickle me all the time. My pathetic response drew a laugh from him.

"'m sorry, 'm sorry, that just--" He cut himself off with laughter. I pouted. If I could reach, I'd try to get revenge, but there wasn't much point. He let out a breath to steady himself then looked back at me with a grin. "So ya joinin' me out to LA today or stayin' here?"

"Here," I stated firmly. "Definitely here."

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