7: Awkward Conversation

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Getting out of the sink proved difficult, but I eventually managed it. It took a lot to drain the water, and I decided to not even bother trying to get the cloth out for now. I went back to Seán's phone, had a brief conversation with Signe, and opened up one of the mobile games.

I'm not sure how long it had been, but when I heard the door handle turn, I dove under the folds of the comforter. The fact the phone was still running a game didn't really occur to me until Seán poked how head in. He looked no worse for wear, if a bit exhausted.

"Is this really necessary?" The deeper voice from before asked from the hall.

Seán walked in with a nod, finally seeing me under the covers. There was a wrap around his hand and wrist.  He looked back at Mark as the man came into view. Mark looked as uncertain as I felt.

"Should we actually do this?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.

Seán hesitated at that. I worked an arm free, not sure why I suddenly felt so daring. "Let's be honest. I'd be freaking out about you and you'd be convinced it was a fever dream."

Mark jolted in surprise, brown eyes locking with mine. We just sorta stared at each other for a moment.

"I. Mean sure but. Uh." Mark glanced at Seán for help, who was still a bit stunned from my declaration. "A lot already happened."

I worked myself out from the blanket and sat on the bed in plain view. There was a long pause as no one knew what to say.

"So your wrist is okay?" I finally asked.

Seán let out a breath."Yeah, just a sprain. Kinda severe, but it's not broken." He walked over and say on the floor, leaning against the bed with a sigh. After a bit, Mark joined him and I moved to the edge of the bed side table.

I waved. "Name's Ani, by the way."

He seemed to relax a little and offered a small smile. "Mark. Nice to meet you."

None of us knew what to say after that. Eventually, Seán was able to break the silence by bringing me up to speed with what he had told Mark. (Which was basically everything). After, Mark offered to house us for the rest of the stay, if Seán thought he could cancel the hotel room. The decision was left up to me (Seán didn't care either way), and I figured it would be easier for both of us if we were in an actual house - especially with someone who actually knew who I was. Hotels are far too big for Borrowers.

Mark departed for the night, Seán and I caught Signe up on what was happening, then collapsed onto the bed.

I woke up in a panic when something started to drag me across the bed. Frozen in terror, I tried to collect my thoughts. I could feel the static, my breath cutting short with every inhale. I jolted. A pained cry escaped me as the hand stopped moving.

Seán woke with a start.

"Oh-- Oh fuckin' Christ, I'm so sorry!"

I curled up, the hotel room glitching to his recording studio. I think I could hear Seán behind me. Seán, or...?

"C'mon, aos sí, yer safe, I promise..."

I took a deep breath. My heart pounded in my ears. He was rubbing my back, ever so gently.

I chanced a glance over my shoulder. He towered over me, but the concern etched in his brow helped keep me calm. When he met my gaze, he shifted and put his chin on the mattress. I let out a soft whimper and went limp in defeat.

"I'm so fuckin' sorry," he murmured.

"Were you trying to reach for Signe?" I asked, my voice low. He winced.

"Yer guess is as good as mine, but that's probably it."

Neither of us knew what to say next. Instead, we curled back into our most comfortable positions.

As I fell asleep, I could only hope it wouldn't happen again.

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