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"Hey. Heeey. Heeeeeeey,"

I grumbled, waving off Ethan's hand from my shoulder. He didn't accept that and pulled the sheets off. I whined and curled up. He promptly hoisted me over his shoulder and started to walk out of our home.

"Noooo." I wiggled against his grip, not really wanting them to see me in nothing but a shirt and underwear.

"Shoulda woken up when I asked you-- ACK!"

We both toppled over as I shoved my weight back. I landed somewhat hard on my chin, but got up and dusted myself off. "You could at least let me put on pants."

Ethan stared up at me, then burst into laughter. "I mean, I guess I could."


A little while later, I stepped off the button lift and sent it back down. I could hear Seán and Signe in the kitchen, rocking out to music. Ethan stepped off beside me, and we pushed open the door to the shelf.

A bell chimed in the kitchen.

"'s 'bout time ya got up."

"It's her fault!" Ethan replied, waving his arms in my direction. I shrugged helplessly. No point in denying it.

"Isn't it always?" Signe laughed from the kitchen.

We all met at the table, eggs and bacon spread out among us. Which mostly meant Signe and Seán had full plates, and Ethan and I picked what we needed. We discussed the day's plans which ranged from Seán's usual to Signe needing to shop. Ethan offered to join her - he hadn't gotten out of the house much since we arrived back in Brighton.

Without much to do on my own, I offered to take my usual spot as Seán did his recording.

I got myself comfortable as he set himself up. We both froze as his computer screen flickered green for a moment.

"Oh, fuck off, ya glitch," Seán scoffed.

I saw it move to the light. Heard the static in my ear. And promptly flipped it off.

It'd come back. It always did. And we'd be ready.

We always were.

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