6: A New Face

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I was safe. Seán wasn't quite so lucky.

His pained yell filled my ears. The string of swears made me quiver with fear.

"Holy shit, Jack, are you alright!?" An unfamiliar voice sounded nearby. I felt a bit of dread well up in my stomach - I was not in a good spot. Seán's hand pressed against me, shifting a little in hopes of hiding me better.

"Can't say I am," he said through gritted teeth. It felt like he was struggling to move for a bit before getting up. I heard snuffling outside his hand.

"Chica, down, girl."

"Fuckin' hell, I think I fucked up my wrist."

"Here, lemme take--"

Seán's hand started to move, then the irishman jerked away, "No, no, I just--"

"This isn't really the time, we seriously need to get that wrist looked at."

I pushed my elbow against his palm twice. I felt Seán hesitate, then heard him say, "Alright. Just. Don't freak out. Or let Chica near her."

His hand started to move, and I winced at the sunlight. When my eyes adjusted, I was met by the face of one very stunned human. He stood at Seán's height, with darker skin and eyes. Disbelief was etched into his face. Seán tried to move, only to let out a hiss of pain. I looked over to his other wrist, which was starting to swell and change color.

A hesitant hand appeared next to Seán's. After my own hesitation, I jumped off. Seán immediately gripped his wounded wrist.

"Shit, Seán, what am I suppose to do" I squeaked.

"Oh, shit," the man holding me said.

"Just stay with Mark," he grunted. "I think we might need ta make a trip to the hospital. But I should probably get my stuff first... And I did kinda leave the door open."

Neither Mark nor I had any arguments that would have held, and I was transferred to Seán's pocket. Mark asked about me on the way, though Seán admitted wanting to wait until his wrist was taken care of. We went back into the hotel through the porch, leaving Mark's dog outside. She seemed surprisingly quiet.

Seán got his wallet and phone. I offered to call Signe back to fill her in while he and Mark went to deal with his wrist. Mark still seemed baffled by my presence, but at least it was better then disgusted.

They left quickly, and I dialed Signe.

"Seán!?" She answered, voice drenched in worry.

"N-No, but--"

"Oh thank God, you're alright! He just screamed your name in a panic and said he'd call back." Signe paused. "Wait, why are you the one calling? Is Seán alright?"

I managed to keep from sobbing when tears started to roll down my face. Gods above, I fucked up.

"He-- His wrist got messed up when-- a cat snatched me, I--"

"Oh no, shh shh. It's okay, Ani. Just his wrist?"

I nodded until I remembered it was just a phone call. "Y--Yeah. But someone else-- Someone else saw me, but I think Seán knew him? And they're both going to the hospital but I don't--"

"Deep breath."

I listened.

"Did you hear his name?"

"Mark? I think?"

That drew a baffled laugh from the other side of the phone. "Really? Oh gosh, you'll both be fine."

"... Promise?"

"Promise. Mark's a sweetie. I'm sure once Seán gets to tell him everything, you'll be fine. Are you okay?"

I stared at the phone. Signe's still face stared back, a selfie she'd taken when Seán hadn't been looking. I took a deep breath.


"Do you think you can get to the sink in your own? A hot bath might calm your nerves."

I looked to the other side of the room. I could probably do it.

"Can I call you back after?" I asked.

"Of course."

It took a lot longer to get to the some then I would have thought, but it was fairly easy to fill it with hot water. I didn't want to take it with my clothes on, but I had no idea when they were going to be back. I pulled a wash cloth over and threw it in. Then, I slid in myself and wrapped it around me.

Signe had been right. The hot water released a tension in my body I had forgotten I had. I even managed to convince myself up relax my mind. Signe and Seán trusted whoever Mark was. No one else could get in the hotel room.

Sean was going to be fine.

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