8: A Different House

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The next morning came with no incident. Seán packed everything up while I... watched. Mostly. It was one of those moments that I really didn't know what to do. Eventually, he offered a pocket, and we set out.

The hotel was rather understanding, paying back the nights he was cancelling, and Mark showed up a bit later to pick us up.

As Seán got settled in the passenger seat, I heard Mark ask, "I'll assume she isn't in either of the bags."

Feeling oddly sassy that morning, I popped my head out of the sweater pocket with a cheery, "Hello!"

He nearly jumped out of his skin, the car swerving a little. I yelled in surprise, but Seán's hand was already at his pocket to catch me.


"It's-- it's fine I just didn't. Oh boy." Mark let out a soft laugh. "Nice to see you again."

"Yer gonna scare someone to death one of these days," Seán laughed, making sure I was secure before lowering his hand again.

"I didn't mean to," I huffed, hopefully loud enough for them to hear. At the light chuckle that shook the hoodie, I assumed at least Seán had.

I stayed hidden for the rest of the car ride. Seán and Mark talked about the upcoming convention, though I mostly tuned it out. When we got to Mark's house, Seán double checked with his friend to make sure no one else was around, then let me out on a table. I stretched my legs as the boys went to get situated. I could see the golden dog from the other day at the door, waiting. She seemed more intent on where Mark and Seán had gone then on me, so I wandered off the table. After a bit more stretching, I sprinted along the edge of the wall, taking in how large the rooms around me were. It felt good to just move.

I stopped in front of an outlet to catch my breath. Something in the back of my mind told me to look at it, but I could hear those two coming back. I ran off to a nearby chair and, with some difficulty, managed to climb it.

"Aos sí?"

"Over here!"

My yell drew Seán's attention to me and he balked. "We weren't gone that long!"

I shrugged, then jumped into his hand and sat down. "Needed to get my bearings. Can't do that on a table."

Seán gave me a concerned look. "Just be careful. Mark's not used ta lookin' out fer ya."

I blew a small raspberry at him, then nodded. He lifted me up to his shoulder, where I plopped down and pouted. Mark came in as I did so.

"Did I miss something?" He asked, a bit of his own concern evident.

"Just Seán being a worry wart," I scoffed.

"Sweet Jesus, Voosh would have my head if anythin' happened ta ya."

"Mm, sounds like a you problem." I grinned when that drew a laugh from Mark. Seán pouted.

"What were your plans today, Jack?"

I held onto the collar of his hoodie as Seán shook his thoughts. "Dinnae have much. Been playin' it by ear."

"Well, I still need to record, so..."

They started to wander down the hallway, continuing the conversation. Apparently Mark had a recording room for two people? Seán seemed excited at the prospect of playing games with him at the very least.

I got off outside of the recording room and admitted to wanting explore the house on my own. Mark requested a brief moment to get his dog before anything major happened, though that hardly took any time.

Once they had disappeared beyond the recording room door, I did another take of the house. Really, just discovering all the nooks and crannies this one had to offer would take up the entire visit.

I wandered the hall, not really looking too closely. Hallways were never a good spot, too exposed for no resources. A door sit slightly ajar further ahead, and I poked my head in. A bedroom. My curiosity peaked and I wandered in. The dresser was fairly far off the floor and I couldn't help but feel a tad jealous. I hadn't ever lived somewhere like this, but my parents had talked about them being treasure troves of borrowables.

I froze when I reached the half way point beneath the dresser. An arch had been cut in the base of the wall, too precise for any animal. I wandered over and felt around. Sure enough, a handle, hidden by the design, was carved into it. I pulled it, the wall easily sliding away. It has even been sanded down.

There was another Borrower in this house.

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