10: A Step Forward

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It's glitched, green hand slammed down in front of me, blocking off my exit. I could feel it lower its head behind me, its hot breath making shivers run down my spine.

"Yo̢u͜ ͞j҉u̵st͘ w̸at͠ćh̕e͟d̕. ̡D̶idn'͏t̡ eve͜n q͢u̢es̴t̨ion.͘" 

I choked back a sob, eyes desperate to find a way out. That high pitched cackle echoed around me. It's other hand snaked into my view, a mangled, black void.

"It́'s̕ ͝a͠ll͘ yo͢ur ̶f̕ault̛.͠" 

"I didn't mean to!" I screamed, then felt the air leave my lungs as its healthy hand encased me in an iron grip. It lifted me far above the ground, and let go.

I jolt awake in the same cold sweat I always did. I struggled against the hand that lay over me, slipping on the moving world beneath me. I collapsed against it and listened, focused on the rush of air I could hear below me.

In. Out. In. Out.

Tears silently rolled down my cheeks as I curled up on Seán's chest. He was asleep, must've moved me a while ago. For a brief moment, I considered moving back to the washcloth. I looked back at his hand, still over my calves. I looked forward, wincing at the sight of the brace around his wrist. That really had been my fault.

I shifted and squirmed back, only for him to shift and replace his hand over me like a blanket. He muttered nonsense under his breath, but didn't wake.

I listened to his breathing for a long moment before my eyelids began to feel heavy. The warmth of his hand seeped into my tired body.

I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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