Chapter 3

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"Hey Julie I am so glad you're here" Bree greeted her with a hug.
"Thanks Bree it's great to see you in person again" genuinely happy to see her younger friend.
"I was hoping to introduce you to my daughter this morning but we had a bit of a argument this morning."
"Oh no nothing too serious I hope?" Bree asked with concern.

"Just be glad your boys were already wolves when you met Thorn. Raising a human child amongst wolf siblings can be difficult".
"Oh no what happened?"

"Tysons alpha hormones are kicking in and he is was being a little over the top with Tessa. He also made an unfortunate comment about her being at a disadvantage being human".

"I gather she didn't take it well?"
"No and when I tried to calm the situation down I made it worse."

"Oh no. I wish I could over some advice but I am an only child. I know let's go visit with my mother in law, she is upstairs with the kids". Bree suggested leading Julie towards the staircase.

Blade was playing xbox with Harry and Elijah enjoying time with his boys when Bree walked in with Luna Torrent.
"Oh hi Blade where is your mum" Bree asked surprised to see him.
"Ella was unsettled so she took her for a walk since I was here with boys. Do you want me to leave?"
"No no it's fine. She's down by the vegie patch" she said turning to the other Luna after obviously linking with his Mum.

An hour later Elijah nodded of in his lap. Six year old Harry turned to Blade. "Why do we call you Uncle now instead of Dad?" He asked shocking Blade.
"Well when we found out your Mum was mates and having your sister with your dad we thought it would be easier for you and Eli and Ella if you called me Uncle Blade and your dad, dad." Blade answered trying to simplify a complex subject. "We also weren't sure if you would remember that I used to be your dad." He added wanting to be as honest as possible.

"That's good. I just thought you didn't want to be our daddy anymore" Harry told him. Blade felt like he had been kicked in the guts.

"Never think that Harry. You and Elijah are the best things in my life and I will always love you both"

"Do you love Ella too?" Harry asked with childish innocence.

"I love Ella very much but its different to the way I love you two."


Tessa sat on her bed avoiding her Dad and brothers. She hadn't spoken to anyone since her father had yelled at her for the way she had spoken to her mum.
While she agreed she may have been a little out of line with her mum, it didn't change the way she felt. She had left home for Uni at 18 and worked to support herself while she studied. In the human world she never felt like she was less than anyone else. Although her pack had always been accepting of her, it was hard not to feel left out and that had eventually lead to negative feelings about herself and depression. It was one of the reasons she had changed from studying business to psychology.

"Are you ready to talk?" Rick spoke from the doorway holding a plate of sandwiches.

"Yeah I guess" Tessa replied with a sigh. "How much did you hear from outside?" She asked accepting the plate.

"Everything. You're mum sent him out to tell you breakfast was ready. I know sometimes it hard for you sweety but you need to know that we have never ever felt you were inferior because your human."

"I know that. But at the end of day you're always going to a stronger bond to the boys. You can share their innermost thoughts if you choose to. You can run with them, playfight with them and every other member of the pack".

"It's your pack to Tessa. Don't forget that." Rick reprimanded

"No dad its not. I am accepted by the pack because I am Mums kid. I found myself in the human world dad. I was just like everybody else. As much as I love you guys I am not sure that's something I can willingly give up."

"Tessa we brought you here to meet with the medical service. I spoke to Doc Evans just before you graduated. He says you could help with mental health and pup development. I know you want to be in the human world, but I can't keep you safe there. Please for me, give this a chance." Rick asked with a pained tone.

Tessa sighed in resignation. She knew her dad was trying hard to Control his Alpha traits with her and appreciated he had asked her instead of trying to order her around.

"I'll talk to Doc Evans and see whether I feel I am capable of what he is looking for. And if it's a good fit I'll try, but I am not going to promise anything".

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