Chapter 6

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Dedicated to EJB. Thanks for your friendship and Support

Tessa looked on in pride as her Dad introduced Tyson to the council as his chosen heir and successor. For this part of the council they allowed an audience. She put an arm around her crying mother and felt Casey squeeze her hand. Despite the fact that he could be annoying she adored her brother, both of them. Even when she was away at Uni both boys had come to stay with her, often for a month at a time. She often wondered if it was an attempt by her parents to curtail her sexlife, but had accepted their argument that the boys needed to understand human society, just so she could spend some time with her brothers.

Afterwards they ate with the other council members and guests before heading back to the cabin to pack up for the trip home the next day. When everything was done she sat down with her parents and discussed the position she had accepted.

The night before after speaking with both her parent's and Skyping with Priscilla, the Psychologist she would be training under, she was content to sign the five year contract. She was only young and if she wanted to return to human society 30 was still young enough to meet a guy, fall in love  and start her own family. In truth she was excited. Werewolf psychology was a young field and she had an opportunity to make a difference and set standards for generations to come.

They left early the next morning, leaving a gift and a note of thanks to the Brennan family for hosting them. Thanks to the medication Tessa slept through the majority of the trip and was spared the gut clenching nausea she had suffered on the way down. Arriving home they were greeted by the pack, who celebrated Tyson’s now official placement of Alpha in training with pack party.

Later that evening, after the party had died down Rick joined his beautiful mate on the out swing in their private courtyard. They cuddled and stargazed in a contended silence.

“Our kids are growing up” Julie commented after awhile. “We just got Tessa back and now she’ll be gone again.”

“It's only six weeks my love” Rick reassured his wife “Then she’ll be setting up her office right here where we can watch over her. Goddess willing she might even bring back a young European stud as a mate”. He added with a laugh.

“Do you still really believe she has a wolf mate? Or are just saying that to make me feel better?” Julie asked turning to him. Rick reached out cuping the face of the woman who held his heart.

“I would never lie to you my love, even to make you feel better. Look at all the times siblings are wolf mates. There must be a genetic factor there”.

Tessa sighed moving away from her desk. She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop on her parents conversation, but it flowed in the open sliding door. Her own private courtyard was adjacent to her parents. Thankfully the bedrooms were sound proofed.
She was hoping her father would allow her to take one of the vacant 3 bedroom cottages on the property when she returned from Europe. She had plans to knock out a wall and create an office space, plus her own private residence. She was used to having her own space now.

With those thoughts in mind she headed up stairs to her father's office. She pulled out the map of the Torrent pack lands and studied it. A lone cabin towards the border caught her eye. She didn’t think it was occupied. Still full of energy from sleeping the whole way home she headed back to her room and quickly grabbed a sketch pad and pencils and packed them into a bag with a torch and a bottle of water.

She quickly pinned a note to her door stating her whereabouts if anyone needed her and made her way down the hall?

“Whatcha doing Tess?” Casey asked as she passed by the kitchen where he was preparing a snack”

“I was going to check out a cottage, maybe draw up some plans for my office” she replied.

“Want me to come and bring my measuring tape? Maybe I could build you a desk? He asked keenly. Her little brother was already showing great love for woodwork. He spent most of his spare time either out in the shed or shadowing a pack member who had trained as a carpenter.

“Sounds good. Want me to pack a picnic?” she offered knowing he had a massive appetite
Twenty minutes later they left with a backpack each and a basket covered by a blanket. “It's a long walk sis, wanna take dads golf cart?” Casey suggested

“Your only suggesting it cause you want to drive it” Tessa teased

“Well I do have better night vision then you” he replied then hit her with his lost puppy look.

“Okay, okay! Just stop looking at me like that Tessa relented after a short attempt at staring him down. “But no crazy stuff or I’ll take over".

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