Chapter 4

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The next day was busy with the arrival of all the alphas for the council in the morning and the first session in the afternoon.
Blade sat by his Uncle taking notes, as each alpha reported on pack matters and made any requests of the council.

During the recess for afternoon tea Blade was approached by Alpha Armstrong. "Well if it isn't the rogue I took in. I hope you remember who was there when your family needed help."
"Alpha Armstrong, so pleased to see you" interrupted Alpha Torrent saving Blade from committing an answer. "I hope you weren't affected by the bushfires earlier this month?"

"Alpha Torrent. What a pleasure. No thankfully the winds were in our favour. I hear your daughter is joining the medical service?"

Blade took the opportunity to slip away and join his twin and Uncle by the buffet table. "Well that was interesting" Blade commented.
Later. Too many ears in the room right now. His Uncle told him via link.

"I'll have to ask Alpha Torrent about his cologne. I've never smelt one that doesn't upset my nose before" Blade commented trying to cover his gaffe.

"Really? I didn't notice it" Uncle Andrew commented. "I wonder..." he muttered to himself before changing the subject.


"Ah Tessa, I am glad to you could make it." Dr Evans greeted as she walked towards the picnic table the medical team had claimed. "Tessa this is Dr Adam Bowen, and our new recruits Dr Adrian Hall and Dr Samantha Thomas" he introduced.

"Nice to meet you all. Where is Doc Roc?" She asked referring to her childhood doctor.

"Rochester got called away for an emergency but asked me to let you know he was looking forward to working with his favourite human." Doc Evans answered with a chuckle. "Doc Roc hey? I wonder if I could get away with calling him that."

"I couldn't say his name when I was little, it just kind of stuck after that" Tessa replied with a smile.

"Your father forwarded your transcripts and a copy of your thesis which we have all read and were very keen to have you join us" Dr Bowen informed.

"Thank you I appreciate the offer. I am wondering what role you see me fulfilling?"

"Mental health issues are just as prevalent in were communities as they are in human society. We are all very aware that patients respond much better with a holistic approach including professional counselling and assessment."

"Based on human results?" Tessa queried.

"Partially but qualified mental health professions are available in both America and Europe were communities. They have shown that a multidisciplinary approach have lowered both use of medication and rates of wolves being cast out and declared rogues".

"While I am definitely intrigued by your offer I am concerned that my qualifications won't quite extend to what you're suggesting". Tessa admitted to the group of doctors.

“Now you have impressed me” Dr Thomas commented with a smile.

“Agreed” added Doctor Bowen. “As Adrian said, there are already psychologists specializing in Europe. One happens to be a distant relative of mine. We believe it would be good for you to intern with her for six weeks. We would also like you to do some medic training as well incase we need your assistance in emergencies. Obviously though we would want you to be contracted with us for a decent period of time if we are going to fund this trip.”

“Wow, that okay that sounds like an amazing opportunity. Where would I be based?”

“We all have our own surgery suites in our pack lands. You could set up an office at the Torrent pack or with any of us.” Doctor Bowen suggested receiving nods of agreement from his colleagues. “But the majority of cases are call outs or pack clinics. So there will be a fair amount of travel.”

After another 15 minutes of discussion Tessa left feeling like she was in a daze. It was an amazing opportunity, but could she find peace surrounded by the were community?

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