Chapter 14

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“Hi mummy I loooove you” Tessa answered her call.
“Tessa are you drunk?” her mother Julie asked.
“Nuh I am just tired” she giggled.
“Is anyone with you?”
“Muuuum please I am old enough to be a stepmum, I got this!”
“What do you mean a stepmum? What's going on Tessa?”
“Hang on a sec mum. You tell her” she said shoving the phone in Tims face.
“Ummm hello?” Tim spoke into the phone trying not to laugh at the very drunk Tessa.
“Who is this?” Julie asked crossly.
“Oh sorry Luna Torrent, I am Tim Bevan one of the nurses from the medical service. I am looking after Tessa while Ian gets the car”.
“Whats wrong with Tessa” Julie asked tersely.
“She is just letting off steam after finding out something that shocked her. I think it's better if she tells you herself in the morning” Tim replied diplomatically.
“If you don't tell me what's wrong my mate and I are going to fly there tonight”. Julie threatened.
Tim paled. “Luna please don't. Tessa found her mate. It's just not something… oh god...uh Luna Tessa is being sick I need to go” he said quickly hanging up.
Julie pulled the now silent phone away from her ear and looked at Rick. “Meeting you was the happiest day of my life, why would she react like that?”
“I’ll ring Sutherland now” Rick replied pulling out his own phone.
“Andrew. Which of your mangy mutts has upset my daughter so much she is drinking?”
“The same drunk wolf I just put to bed myself”. Andrew sighed in reply. “Look its not what you think. They are both just shocked. Tessa has the doctor and his mate looking after her. Mary will be here soon and she’ll help sort things out” Andrew placated.
“Who Andrew?” Rick demanded
“Well fuck…”

Tessa layed out in the sun. Waiting for the horrible concoction that Tim called a hangover smoothie to kick in and make her feel better.
Eyes closed and drifting through her conflicting thoughts she nearly missed the light little tap on her arm. Opening her eyes she was started to find Daggers face staring at her.
“Hey Dagger. Does your daddy know you are here?” she asked looking around the clinic garden seeing they were alone.
“Hmm maybe not” she commented dragging herself up to standing.
“Come on let's go find the Alphas” she said holding out her hand to the little boy.
“Up” he replied raising his arms to be held.
“Okay up it is” she responded picking him up and settling him on her hip.
Together they went inside the clinic building which was empty then out the front where she was surprised that there was no guard escort.
As she headed up the path towards the main packhouse she saw Aidyn and Helen running towards them.
“Oh thank god” Helen cried reaching them. “He came outside with me when I was hanging out the washing and ran away when I had my back turned”
“The whole packs been out looking!” Aidyn added. “Come here little man”.
Dagger refused to go to either Aidyn or Helen, cuddling into Tessa's body tighter and hiding his face.
“I think you're going to have to take him home” Helen suggested carefully.
“Its okay, I can do that” Tessa reassured her. Although she wasn't sure if she wanted to see Blade again before she had more time to think, there was no way she could resist the little guy in her arms.
As they headed toward the the pack house they were joined by more and more wolves, both of the two legged and four legged variety. They were met at the door by the Alpha snd his protégé.
“Take them to our quarters” the Alpha instructed Blade who led them out of the room.
The Alpha waited til they were out of earshot.
“Tessa is your future Luna. I want you all to make her welcome and give her every reason to want to stay.”


“Thank god you found him” Blade exclaimed as they headed towards the Alpha family quarters.
“Actually he found me” Tessa admitted. “I was laying down in the sun in the clinic garden and then he was there alone”.
“He must of missed you, I know I did” Blade replied, putting his hand on the small of her back. Tessa tried to ignore how good the innocent touch felt instead bringing her focus to the little body in her arms.
“I think he has gone to sleep” she observed as Blade opened the door.
Blade turned and checked on his son, almost jealous that he was in his mates arms, head rested on her shoulder.
“Lucky boy” he muttered without thinking. “I would love to be able to fall asleep so quickly” he added realising what he had said.
“Me too” Tessa agreed with a yawn.
“He seems pretty attached to you there, why don't you have a lay down with him” he suggested leading her to his room.
“Are you sure?” she asked not sure if she was comfortable with idea.
“You’re my mate, what mine is yours” he answered simply.
Tessa sat on the edges of the bed still clutching Dagger in her arms. Blade bent down and removed her shoes. Deciding to put it all on the line he looked into her eyes.
“Please don't reject me Tessa, I know I don't deserve you, but please give me a chance”.
Startled by his father's plea Dagger woke suddenly and reached out and grabbed Blades shirt, pulling him close.
Only Daggers body separated the two. Breathing in the combined scent of his mate and son, Blade savored the moment. If she rejected him at least he would have the memory of this one perfect moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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