chapter 10

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Blade and Thorn and Rick all sat around a table in a pub just outside of the Feltham pack lands. Both Alpha Feltham and Alpha Jennings had agreed to stand with them against Armstrong. It had taken Blade admitting his past fuck ups and telling them all he had done over the last two years to mend his ways.
His twin Thorn had stood by his side sending him both emotional strength through their private bond.
“You did well.” Rick complimented him. “It takes a strong man to stand up and do what you did today. Your father would of been proud”.
“I agree. I’m proud of how far you have come” Thorn added.
“I just wish I had of known about Dagger earlier. It's killing me seeing such a little kid so unresponsive. He just lays there holding his teddy and even with the formula doc gave us he’s losing weight”. Blade confessed miserably.
“Hang in there kid. My girl will help you break through to him. She lost her father at a young age too.”
“I’m due to have a call with her soon actually. Uncle Andrew told me they had their first session this morning.” Blade admitted.
“Good tell her I’ll call her tonight.”

Just then his phone rang. “Hang on a second.” he spoke into the phone as he got up walk outside. “Ok I’m good now Uncle Andrew”

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” his Uncle asked with concern

“No we’re all finished up now. I was just having a beer with Thorn and Rick while we wait for our rides”.

“Good, good” his Uncle interrupted letting him know it wasn't a good time to report the results of the meeting. “I have Tessa Torrent with me now. Just going to put you on speaker”.

“Hi Tessa, I was just speaking to your father. He asked me to let you know he will call you tonight”.

“Argh right thanks” a sweet feminine voice replied. “I am calling so I can hopefully get your permission to do a couple of things with Dagger tomorrow.”

“I am happy for you to do anything as long as it helps.” Blade replied

“I noticed that Dagger doesn't seem attached to anything except for his teddy bear. Is that something you have him or did he bring it with him?” Tessa asked.

“He had that tucked up in the blanket with him when his Uncle handed him over” Blade answered.

“With your permission I think it would be beneficial for Dagger to have a photo of his mother. If you have any of the two of you together that would really help too”

“Yeah I guess but I don't have any pictures of her or us. It wasn’t that sort of relationship” he admitted feeling embarrassed.

“That's fine. I might be able to find some through another source if your happy for me to go ahead?”

“Whatever you think is necessary”. Blade sighed.

“If you don't agree with anything I suggest please say so. My only role here is to assist you and make suggestions of ideas that might help. As Dagger’s parent every decision is yours to make.” Tessa stated interpreting his reaction as annoyance rather than the embarrassment he was feeling.

“No that's fine. If you can find a picture go ahead.” he reiterated.

“Thank you” she replied. “I would like to sit down with you as soon as possible. And if possible observe how he interacts with you and the Alpha together and separately. How do you both feel about that?”

“I am sure we can accommodate that. . “Thank you both for your time”.

Blade heard the office door close. “what was that about old man?” he queried “Did something happen with Dagger?” Blade questioned with concern

“No. Nothing like that she was great with him. You just heard on old mans machinations backfire in his face.” Andrew answered his nephew ruefully.

“What do you mean?” Blade asked bewildered.

“I’ll explain when you get home.”

Ending his call, Blade headed back into the pub. He grimaced after taking a sip of now warm beer.

“Need a refresh?” his brother asked laughing at him.

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