Chapter 8

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Five weeks later while Tessa unpacked her mother regaled her with the latest pack news.
“We’ve made an alliance with the Brennan and Sutherland packs” Julie informed her. It looks like a couple more will joining too. Armstrong has gone too far this time. Demanding compensation over a pup!”

“I thought Armstrong kept his pack fairly isolated? Samantha was telling me that the only reason Adrian Hall was allowed to train was because he didn't want any outside pack doctors and that he nearly wasn't allowed to help other packs.” I confided.

“His successor is Blade Sutherland, Thorn Brennan's twin. He was a rogue for awhile but went to Armstrongs pack when Bree was married to him”

“You mean he found his mate while he was married to Bree?” Tessa asked confused.

“No even worse. He impregnated an unmated she wolf just before Bree left him. Then the she wolf met her mate and he rejected her. And then she killed herself. Then her brother went rogue to deliver the pup to the Sutherland Pack. This is just between us though okay? Bree told me in the strictest confidence”

“Are you sure you should be telling me then?” Tessa asked with frown

“I know you won't gossip sweety, and with you travelling through the pacts it's important you know what's going on.”

“You know that I have to remain impartial as part of the medical team right?” she reminded her mother.

“I know sweety, and I am not asking you to. I just worried that you night be targeted because of who you are”.

Tessa was just about to reassure her mum when the mobile phone provided for her job rang.

“Tessa speaking” she answered.

“Ah Tessa, glad to hear your back. How was your trip?” Doc Evans answered.

“Really good, I was just about to sit down and email you all about it. Priscilla was amazing. She even organised my medic training with the Russian pack warriors we visited.”

“Thats fantastic” he answered with enthusiasm. “You’ll have a medical bag and a laptop with an encrypted connection to our main server delivered tomorrow. Let me know when it gets there and I’ll help you set it up. In the bag is also a credit card for supplies and any therapeutic aides you might need to purchase. Just keep a list of anything that is for a specific patient and we will bill the pack”.

“Okay that sounds great. I’ll make sure I am available to receive it.” Tessa assured him.

“Are you alone right now?” he asked suddenly in a serious tone.

“Just hang on a sec” she replied glancing at her mum who had heard the question and was already moving towards the door.

“Okay I am alone now in a soundproof room” she confirmed after shutting and locking the door behind her mother.

“I know you’ve only just got back, but I have got a case for you that needs to be addressed rather urgently.” he informed her.
“It’s an almost two year old pup”

“Ofcourse Dr Evans I will do whatever I can to help” Tessa assured him.

“I can book you the helicopter for tomorrow night if that suits you?”

“Yeah I am sure that will be fine” she agreed.

She spent the rest of her day catching up with her family. Her mother was upset that she was being called out so soon but her dad was proud.

The next morning her laptop arrived early and after setting up her password we logged onto the patient file of Dagger Sutherland. She felt heart broken for the little boy knowing what it was like to lose a parent at such a young age. Her mind was already whirling with ideas to help the little guy. She contacted a local paediatric counsellor and went into town to make some purchases.

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