Chapter 13

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There He Is


Bentley coughed violently, his body being thrown forward in his bed, I pushed his blonde hair back and pulled my hand back when I felt his heated skin. My eyebrows knotted in the middle. My poor little boy.

"Mummy?" Bentley looked at me with terrified eyes. My poor, sweet, little boy.

"You're going to be okay baby." I kissed his head and went to get some of the child pain medication that brings his temp down completely. He hated the taste but it was the only thing stopping him from throwing up everything that I had fed him.

As soon as I got Bentley back to sleep, there was a knock at the door. Without waiting for an invite, Cleo and Nikki came bursting in.

"Hey Scar!" Cleo said too loudly.

"Shhh." I put my finger on my mouth in a typical mum move, "Bentley isn't well and I've just gotten him to sleep."

"Perfect!" Cleo said, only slightly quieter then before. "Cause you're coming out tonight with me and Nikki has volunteered to babysit."

"You drew straws?" I asked, when I saw that look on Nikki's face.


"Anyway, you need to get ready." Cleo started to push me into my small room.

"What the hell are you talking about? Have you not been listening? Bentley is sick, I've been battling his temperature all day."

"So you obviously need a break."

"What? No!" I try to untangle myself from my friend but she had gotten freakishly strong in the past few years. "Are you insane! He's my son! I need to take care of him!"

"Nikki can do that, come on Scar, we haven't seen you in so many years, you come back with a surprise to end all surprises, we – I – need some quality time with you." Cleo turned on these big eyes that I hadn't seen her use before, damn they were lethal.

"Fine!" I threw my hands up. "I'll go out, damn Cleo, did Rock teach you how to do that?"

"God no! but let me tell you that it is very handy when it comes to getting what I want from that man."

'Everything but the man himself' I think. From what I've gathered in the visits that the girls do sometimes, Rock and Cleo have been off again and on again for the past years, and somehow during that time, Cleo had fallen for Rock but knowing Rock back when we were younger, he was never interested in a relationship because of the fucked up one his parents had. Yeah it was going to end in a disaster.

Cleo managed to wrangle me into a low cut top and jeans that were cutting off most of my circulation, with some brown boots on my feet, a kiss on Bentley's head and a warning to Nikki that if anything went wrong she would call me immediately, Cleo and I left for the local uni bar.

"I feel like a terrible mother." I said, as we waited in line to enter.

"You are not! You fought me tooth and nail, if anything I'm a horrible best friend and auntie."

"Yo Egypt!" a low voice interrupted our conversation. There was only one person I knew who called Cleo that.

Holy shit!

That's when I saw the posters and the MC inside announcing the next band.

"What the fuck have you done?" I grabbed Cleo's arm furious.

"I didn't say anything to any of them I swear, but you need to see him and he needs to see you as well."

I wanted to argue but the both of us knew that I couldn't. We both knew that she was right.

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