Stolen scroll

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Everyone was done with their test and graduated. Well almost everyone. Naruto was the only one to not graduate. This meant he would have to repeat the academy. I insisted on giving my headband back and doing it with him. But Naruto being Naruto refused.

"Raku you earned that headband! You should be a ninja no matter what! Because even if I'm behind I'll catch up to you!" He said when I told him I was gonna repeat the academy with him. That's when Iruka came into the room with his clipboard.

"Ok. You all did very well but some of you not so much" he said glancing at Naruto before continuing "you will all receive your squads tomorrow. Be here seven!" He finished before dismissing us.

We all left the building Naruto lagging. He came out last and sat at the swing. I was about to go over and cheer him up but someone caught my arm and yanked me away. I yanked my arm out of the grasp of the person and turned around to see a woman with dark hair. "You filthy beast! Respect your superiors. Now I expect you to return that stolen headband or I will get the sensei." She said using the nickname the town's people had for me.

"You think I stole this? I earned on my own with training and hard work" I whispered. She scoffed and tried to take it but was interrupted by a cough.

"Ma'am please don't do that to my friend," a voice said making me turn my head. It was Shikamaru. I noticed his dad not too far off watching us.

"If your a good friend then you will understand I'm just trying to get something she stole!" The woman said getting angry before grabbing her headband but was stopped by something biting her. Not just anything. Akamaru! She let go and backed up almost hitting someone.

"What gives you any right to assume she stole it?" I heard Kiba say.

"She's a beast! Of course, she stole it! And her no-good brother got caught!" She said trying to start something. A figure stepped in front of me and I noticed shocked it was Sasuke. Why was he here?

"If you haven't noticed that everyone here has earned a headband and is now a ninja of this village. And if I'm correct I don't see one with you so you must not be a ninja yourself." He said in a low voice. The lady's eyes widen and she backed up finally noticing people starting to look at her. No one else minded me having a headband. They looked proud nothing more nothing less.

The lady gasped when her arm was grabbed by a kid. She turned around and said "ario let me do this! I don't want HER on your squad." The kid was having none of it and glared at his mom.

"Mom you have no idea who this girl is! She a strong, mature, smart girl. And there's nothing wrong with her!" He yelled at his mom making her shocked. She had given up and grabbed her son's arm before leaving. I clutched my headband before teleporting to the tree nearby. I had untied it after I noticed Naruto hadn't graduated. I tied it around my neck securely making sure it wouldn't fall off.

I saw Shikamaru glance at me and smirk. I heard him whisper something and I smirked myself. "What are you gonna do now?" Is what he said. I waved to him, Kiba, and Sasuke before body flickering to the weapon shop. Another place that didn't mind me. I had drawn my kunai for the flying thunder god technique and was gonna have ten of them made. Six for me and four for my friends.

I entered the shop and the owner looked at me and smiled. "Need your weapons sharpened?" He asked. I shook my head and handed him the drawing that had notes on it and he looked at me before setting it down. "Alright, you need custom kunai?" He asked making me nod. He smiled before picking the sheet up and tweaked it a little.

He handed it back to me and I noticed he had added a few things to make me able to throw them faster, them to be lighter, and sharper. I nodded smirking and handed it back to him. He told me the amount for ten of them and I handed him the money. He told me to come back in the morning.

I left the shop and surprisingly it had gotten slightly dark. I went home as sunset settled in and made dinner. I realized Naruto wasn't home yet and wondered if he was at ichiraku. I shrugged and as I finished up dinner furious knocks were heard on my door. I went over there quickly and opened the door.

"Raku it's an emergency! Your brother stole the sacred scroll!" I heard a voice say noticing it was Iruka's. I got a serious face on and grabbed my weapon pouch from the table and left the door not bothering to lock it. If someone needed me they can find me later. Right now my brother is in big trouble and I know it. I felt his faint chakra signature and went that way.

Iruka followed me since he knew I was better at finding even the faintest chakra stream. I stopped once we reached a place swarmed with trees and a little space nearby. Something felt off so I hid my chakra. Iruka went up to Naruto though who was sitting on the ground reading a scroll.

I felt another chakra coming and fast. They stopped a few yards away from naruo and Iruka who was talking. That's when the person began clapping. They walked into the frame and I noticed. It was the other proctor from the exams. What did he want?

"Nice job Iruka you found my little hideout." He said slowly.

"It wasn't just me it was also-." I cut Iruka off by jumping down lightly.

"Raku Uzumaki. Have we met properly?" I said quietly.

"There's no way you related to loudmouth over here are you?" The man said. I still don't know his name, Iruka never mentioned it. Oh, wait I heard naruto mutter his name before. Mizuki. That's it!

"I am the younger twin if I may say," I said cracking my knuckles. I saw a glint of fear in his eyes but he wiped it away quickly. He glared but said nothing but yelled.

"That scroll is mine!" He yelled before running throwing shuriken at Naruto and Iruka. That's when the battle began.

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