It happened...

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Finally got this out! Sorry it's been a long time! I've had things to do and I kept deleting the chapter cause I didn't like it! Hopefully you guys do! Sorry for the wait!
~author sama

Raku's p.o.v

I'm still stuck in darkness and I hadn't heard anything for a few days. Even Mali was silent for the past few days. She had spoken to me a little but really didn't say much. Just told me someone was here that I hadn't seen in a long time.

Having no idea who it could be really meant I hadn't seen them in a long time. My eyes have tried to crack open a few time but to no avail. I had started moving my arms again but was never able to see or feel them really. But I just knew they were moving.

*Time skip brought to you by a fabulous person! :D*

It hasn't been a long time but I felt like years since I had last moved. But for some reason my body was completely relaxed and energetic. I layed there in darkness and waitied for my eyes to opened.

Without warning they creeped open and there was the light I longed to see again. I moved my arm to my face and rubbed my hand over my eyes trying to have them adjust. When they were ajusted I sat up and looked around. I.v's were in my arms, a thing was on my finger, and an oxygen mask on my face. Must've stopped breathing at one point.

I slipped it off and took a real breathe of real air. I slipped the blankets off of me and stood up. My feet hit the smooth surface of the ground and it was cold. I went to the window and opened the curtains. I looked outside and wanted to be out there.

"Ugh!" I muttured flopping back onto the bed. It seemed like no one was ever gonna show up so I decided to leave. My room that is. I grabbed the thing that had the i.v's in it and left the room. I walked down the hallway and saw no nurses. When I got to the end of the hallway which led to the entrance of the hospital a nurse spotted me.

"Oh your finally awake! It's been a few weeks! Thank goodness! But you shouldn't be out of bed so soon." She said treating me like a child. Well I kinda am but you get the message.

"But I don't wanna be in bed!" I said groaning at the end. She just laughed and guided me back to my room and had me sit down. She grabbed a brush and brushed out my tangled hair. When she was done she handed me some of my clothes.

"You should change. After all those must be uncomfortable." She said before leaving.

I quickly change but the shirt was kinda hard. But I got it. I sat back down and looked out side. She had taken most of the i.v's out before she left but kept the thing on my hand. I heard a knock at the door and muttured "come in."

Hadn't really had a visitor at all. "So they weren't lying then. You are awake." A voice said that I hadn't heard in a little bit.

"Hey jiraya." I said turning to face him.

"What happened to you anyway? The hokage kept it quiet and didn't even tell the village elders." He said confused an curious.

" It happened before the second exams. I'll slim it down. Mostly shikamaru and kiba were hanging out with and we were attacked. Guard let down after first guy. Needle went into neck outta no where. Kunai into side. Black out can't remember got it." I said making him nod.

"It's like so done wants me dead. Don't know why." I said.

"Well there's many people who want Mali." Jiraya said.

"Yeah. But what happened while I was out no one came to visit me." I said confused.

"Oh you weren't even here for the half of it. As soon as the preliminary was over people were trying to come see you. But you were not allowed to be seen and everyday people tried to get into your room but weren't allowed to." He said laughing.

I nodded and looked out the window. "I just wanna be out of this stinking hospital." I muttured.

"And I understand that but you just woke up. You've gotta rest and not strain yourself." He said making me roll my eyes.

"I've done enough resting and what is there to strain. It's all gotta have healed and ive been asleep for quite a while." I muttured with a little of an attitude.

"Raku you need to listen for once. I know your real side is coming out but you've gotta stop trying to hide stuff! Your not a grown up yet! You need to let us take care of you!" Jiraya yelled at me.

"Since when have you guys wanted to take care of me! Your always gone doing research and everyone else is concerned about Naruto! And now all of a sudden you have a peek of interest in me! I'm done with it all! You weren't there taking care of us and neither was anyone else! I stepped up to the plate cause I had to! I grew up to fast! So just stop!" I yelled making jiraya step back.

"You really are like your mother..but there's that side of your father in there." Jiraya said not moving from his spot.

"I'm leaving." I said walking past jiraya.
He didn't even make a motion to stop me. I slammed the door as I left and walked right out the front door of the hospital.

??? P.o.v

I really wish I can come out. But if even one person spots me I'm done for. I really did mess up but it was to protect her. Ugh! I wanted to smack my face right then and there but I'm really loud. I'm not their sibling or their guardian but I feel like I should. After all I was just like her.

3rd person.

The jonin had found out raku had woken up and rushed to the hospital. But by the time they got there she was gone. They were allowed to go to her room since nurses hadn't noticed her leave. When they walked in they were surprised to find no one in the room.

Jiraya who had been in here before had left to go train Naruto and raku was who knows where. No jonin moved until realization kicked in. They immediatly went to the hokage.

He said he didn't know where she was but really he did. And he allowed her to go. After all the raikage has a soft spot for raku. Who know when she'll be back. Days, weeks,months, heck even years. It's raku and we know she ain't gonna waste that time she has.

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