The beginning

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Time skip~

It's been a few months and something's been's coming.

I stood up from my seat quickly feeling an earthquake. But that was not a normal earthquake! That was forced.

I walked outside and saw smoke rising from the middle of the village. My eyes widened and I quickly hurried inside to get dressed.

Throwing my hair up into a makeshift ponytail. My hair had grown back a bit. I yanked my sword off of the wall and quickly slid it into it's sheath.

Quickly clipping my ninja pouch on I ran out my bedroom door and rushed to the front. Throwing my shoes on I threw open the door and rushed out.

I took my headband and tied it to my neck. I quickly body-flicker to the center of town and was immediately thrown back.

I saw a rock coming at me and kicked it away. Leaf ninja were running everywhere. Some helping people, others throwing jutsus at something, and finally many dead.

I heard a scream from right by me. I found a girl on the ground with a bald man who looked had chakra bars all over him. He had a razor type of tail pointed at her, almost ready to slice her in two.

I added chakra to my leg as I ran over. I kicked the thing away, grabbed the girl, and rushed away with her in my arms. Making it away from the man I dropped her.

"Run as fast as you can to the safe point. GO!" I yell. She ran quickly never looking back.

Something picked me up suddenly. I was slowly rising up into the sky. Oh hell no!

I inserted chakra into my hand and thrusted it behind me. The thing dropped me. I turned around and found a moldy green bird.

It swooped at me and I dodged it. I looked past it and found a person with short orange hair. Their eyes were purple.

So that's how it is? I closed my eyes and opened them. My eyes were more in depth. I flickered my eyes and saw the bird. I snapped my fingers and it vanished.

(SHE PULLED A THANOS! Jk! It's her rinnigan :) )

The person's eyes widened. It only lets me get rid of summonings or pull and push stuff away.

I never use it unless...I know it is now a life or death battle. I hid my chakra and body-flickered.

"This village isn't going down that easy." I whisper in the person's ear. They turned to me but I had moved out of their sight.

"A war is upon us." I whisper again. I moved as they did. I grabbed their neck and restrained them.

"But you know you won't be here for it. You're here for a reason....but...this village is a family...we don't sacrafice others. Now make this easy..or suffer." I said in their ear with a closed eye smile.

I released them, well shoved them to the ground. They rushed to stand quickly.

"Raku...uzumaki...we were told to avoid you..." The person whispered.

"Then...why come for me?" I asked in the same tone.

"..." They stood silent. They raised their hand. Suddenly a huge three headed dog was above me.

"The world works in cruel ways." I said looking up smiling. Suddenly I began to laugh. The person froze confused.

I fell in a fit of laughter. Snapping my fingers the dog vanished.

"W-why are you laughing?" The person asked.

"The world works in cruel ways." I said calming myself.

"Why is that funny?" It asked. I can't tell the gender really.

"Because. If it works in cruel ways then why are we here. Why is that dog able to appear. That's why it's funny! Nothing is supposed to really happen. So if something bad happens it wasn't meant to. That's is why it is truly funny." I explained. The person still stood confused at me.

" Well look at it this way. If you break your arm it can be fixed. If you die your technically still alive in the after life. So therefore you never truly died." I told them happily.

They nodded slowly. Suddenly I sniffed the air. He's nearby. I smirked.

"Now please excuse me. There's someone I need to literally kill." I told the person.

They stood there as I left. They didn't make a movement to stop me.

I jumped down from the roof and headed into the chaos. I walked through the battle field I guess. Everyone looked at me wide eyes.

"NOW! WHO THE FUCK STARTED THIS!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

A sudden gust of wind was blown at me. People slowly moved to the sides of the place. That left me and I guess someone else here.

Yeesh where's Naruto. This dumbass started this. How do I know? Because he starts everything that happens in the village!

"Pein...nice of you to finally show up." I said smiling.

"Been a while huh? Still enjoying the scar?" I ask turning to face him.

"Only scar I truly have." He muttered.

"Awe. Don't be like that. Sorry. But I won't be able to give you your last true battle. Or tell you the truth. Quite sad truly. How's the akatsuki? Doing better? Heard you lost quite the members." I said to him all the while questioning him aswell.

"..." No response.

"No comment? Want to scrimmage till my brother arrives?" I asked him.

"Why?" He asked.

"I haven't had a battle in a while. And do I have a lot of anger built up." I said to him.

"Fine. One hit each." He stated.

"I'll make it a good one." I smirked at him.

He ran at me. I slid out of his direction. He sent a rod at me.

"No fair! That means I can use my kekkai genkai to!" I yell at him. His eyes widen at his mistake. After all it's his he got his last scar.

Of course swift-release is the real kekkai genkai but I branched off into dust-release. So it's a combination.

I made a cone of chakra and held it. It twirled above my finger. I set it down and directed it at pein. I added speed to it with swift-release. It slowly grew bigger as it headed at crazy fast speed in peins direction. Before he had time to process when I released it he was sucked in.

After a while I released it. He flew on to the ground. Deep cuts covered his arms.

"Now now... Don't think I've forgotten." I smiled creepily turning around. There stood other peins I guess. That's when a Naruto suddenly showed up with two frogs on his shoulders.

"Finally learn sage mode Naruto? Took you long enough." I laughed.

"Raku. You don't know their strength. Let me handle this." He said. I put a sharp glare on his back.

"Like I don't. Who do you think held them off." I mutter.  I turned around and walked to Naruto.

I had begun to glow white. My rinnigan slowly grew slits in them. My nails sharpened and my hair became white.

"If you believe I haven't fought him them ask him yourself. Pein. Be a dear and explain during the fight will you. After all explanations are truly in order." I said smiling.

That's when I flickered away. The battle was only beginning.

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