Sasuke is jealous

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*Sorry I've had exams but here's a chapter*

Shika dragged me through the village and we stopped at chojis place. He knocked on the door and chojis dad opened the door. He looked drained  with tiredness but that didn't stop him from noticing my jacket. He smiled and yelled behind him.

"Choji shikamaru and raku are here!" He yelled.

"I'm coming!" We heard chojis voice yell back. We smiled at each other and looked back at the door. Choji walked out in his usual outfit and headband on his head.

"Hey choji guess what!" Shikamaru said.

"Uhh...there's a new flavor of potatoe chips?" He said confused on what he was guessing.

"Of course you would guess that but raku made jonin!" He said kinda unlazy for once. Chojis eyes widened and he looked at my vest before smiling.

"Does that mean..?" He trailed off and I nodded.

"Oh yah!!! BBQ all the way!" Choji said jumping up and down. I laughed at this and shika snickered. We left chojis house and went and found everyone else. Turns out Naruto was training with his team and the rest of my team went on a mission early in the morning.

When we walked to the training field Naruto and his team were at kakashi was the first to see me. Shikamaru and choji had to leave for a mission. I walked over to the memorial stone and sat down on the edge of it. Kakashi was yelling at my brother to fix his jutsu stance and telling Sakura to catch up to the boys.

She really should with the chunnin exams coming up. I stare at them for a while and I guess Sasuke felt me staring at him because the next thing I know his head snapped in my direction. I stand up and walked to in narutos direction. "Fix your arms. You don't wanna get used to that. It'll mess up your jutsus" I said making him jump and turn to me.

"Ahh!! Raku when did you get here?!" He said. I looked at the sky before looking back at him.

"Around an hour" I said to him.

"That's a while! Hey how about we get ramen later!" Naruto said smiling brightly.

"Well I've already made plans with asumas team for later. " I said scratching my head.

He nodded and went back to practicing not even noticing my jacket. I didn't really care though because I want him to think he can protect me. Kakashi was the first to speak of it though.

"Congratulations raku" he said making his team look at me confused. Sasuke was the first to notice and glared. Hard.  Sakura of course was clueless and so was Naruto.

"How did YOU of all people make it!" Sasuke said jealousy and anger laced in his voice.

"I mean it's not too hard" I muttured under my breathe. Kakashi snickered at this but straightened up when I looked at him.

"Anyway asumas team and I are going to BBQ tonight to celebrate and you guys are welcome to join." I said.

They nodded and I waved before leaving. I've got to go find a specific someone.

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