Little run in.

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Raku's P.o.v

Warmth was what I felt when I woke up. I opened my eyes more and glanced up. Kiba. I looked down feeling something grip my waist tighter. His arms were there.

A blush rose slightly to my cheeks. do I get out of this? Worth a shot..

I shimmed my way slightly out. But of course not all the way. Akamaru sat up from the end of the bed and looked at me. He was smirking. Rude!

Alright..I've gotta wake him up cause I'm not using ninjutsu. But he's so cute sleeping. I poked his cheek and he moved a little. I huffed and he scrunched his face up.

I poked his cheek again and his eyes opened a bit. "Whaa..." He said.

"I have a mission." I said.

"So.."he trailed off.

"So! I need to get going." I told him.

"No.." he said sitting up releasing my waist.

"Yes.." I said.

"No!" He said pulling me into his lap wrapping his arms around me. "Kiba.."I said.

"How long are you going to be gone?" He asked.

"Few days. We've gotta go to suna for a retrieval mission." I told him.

"To long." He said.

"Hmm..I can ask Tsunade if you can come along." I said to him.

"Do. It." He stated looking at me.

"We've gotta get dressed." I told him making him release me.

I stood up and went to my bag. I opened it and grabbed my clothes. I heard kiba's drawer open. "You can take the bathroom. " I told him.

"Thanks." He said heading out of the room. Right!.

I quickly changed into my shorts and made sure I was good. Turns out kiba changes quick..because as I was wrapping my chest he walked in..

"Knocking kiba!" I screamed at him. He stood there looking at me. "Out!" I yelled throwing my hairbrush at him. He ran out dodging my brush. A blush covered my face intensly.

Quickly wrapping an getting it situated I left the room grabbing my brush. "What did he do?" Hana asked seeing my face.

"He walked in on me bandageless.." I murmured.

"Oh my goodness." Hana said breaking down laughing.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. He stood there looking." I said in a serious tone. She suddenly stopped.

"He just stood there and didn't move?" She questioned.

I nodded. "Kiba!" Hana yelled.

"What?" He called from the living room. I quickly headed too the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. I'm not eating this morning.

I left the bathroom afterwards and saw kiba with a red slapmark on his face..welp. That's what he gets. "Why'd you tell Hana?" He asked.

"She asked. Now let's go." I said putting my shoes on.

He got up from his seat and headed over to get his shoes. I opened the door and started walking. "Raku wait up!" Kiba yelled from behind me.

"No." I said and kept walking. He eventually caught up with me as I reached tsunades office. "Come in." A voice rang out as my hand collided with the door.

I opened the door and walked into the office. "Permission to bring Inuzuka, Kiba on the mission?" I asked her.

"Granted. He can help track the person down if they get away." Tsunade said.

"Thank you. We'll be taking our leave now." I told her.

"Report to me when you get there." She said.

"Will do." I said grabbing Kiba's hand and walking out of the office. We headed to the gates straight after. Well not before I got a bottle of chakra pills. But that's beside the point.

As we approached the gate I saw everyone there. "Your late!" Sakura yelled.

"Now if I look at the suns position I'm right on time Sakura." I told her.

"Let's head out. No time to waste. We'll take a ten minute break every hour or so." I told them.

They nodded but Naruto just glared at me. Whatever. We all headed out and jumped from branch to branch in the trees. After a good thirty minutes I felt a faint chakra. I held my hand up and everyone stopped.

"What now? There's no one here." Sakura said.

"Quiet." I hissed at her. My ears popped out and twitched in a direction. I got rid of them. "Enemy to the east, two-hundred feet. No one move." I whispered.

"If there's an enemy let's take them down!" Naruto said from the back.

"We have no idea who it is or what their status is. For all we know our villages are in an alliance." I hissed at him making him shut up.

A twig snapped and I grabbed a kunai. A man with black hair stepped out. I looked closer at the features. Sharigan..Itachi?

"Go around. Enemy unknown. Let's not risk it." I whispered to them.

They all nodded. "I'll catch up. I need to write information down." I told them. After a few seconds they headed off in the direction to go around.

I jumped down from the tree and landed behind him. "Itachi." I stated.

"Raku." He said.

"What brings you out here?" I asked him.

"To collect you of course." He said answering my question.

"Of course. But you know better than anyone I'm not going without a fight. And even you are scared to go at me." I said my eyes flashing from grey to purple.

The kunai from his hand flew to mine. "Let's make this easy. You leave and I say nothing to the village. You take me on I give your location up but of course not without leaving you with a few scars." I told him.

"Fine. But when he comes after you be careful." He told me.

"It won't be the first time. After all I gave him that nasty scar on his arm." I said to Itachi.

"Here." I said throwing his kunai at him.

He caught it. "See you later." I told him before teleporting to kiba.

"Just like that I'm back." I told him.

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