The truth.

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I stayed up till 1:32am and woke up at 10:54 am I'm a night owl.

The rest of the writing exam went smoothly and at the end of it two teams left. That made 14 teams pass. Anko is not gonna like this.

I stood up from my chair and just at that moment anko burst through the glass that was behind me. I swerved next to ibiki to avoid getting hit by any of it. A flag flew up saying her name from what I can by the back of it.

"Alright maggots! I'm anko your protractor for the next exam follow me!" She said almsot begging to run when she noticed something.

"Wait a second? Theres 42 kids here! Ibiki you let 14 teams pass! Geez your getting soft." She said.

"Well this group is strong this year!" He defend.

"Eh alright! But don't worry I'll be done with half of hem by the time I'm done!" She bragged before yelling at the kids and adults where to go for he next exam and when to show up. Once they all left I took a deep breath.

"It really wasn't that hard but I'm worried about the last exam." I told ibiki.

"Now why is that kid?" He asked me.

"Something is gonna go down. And only for a single person. In my mind I say there's way to many sand and sound ninja here. I'm suspicious of all of them." I explained making him nod.

" Well have to keep and eye out for them then." He said making me nod. With that our conversation ended and it was time to turn in my clipboard to the hokage. I had the ones who passed and the ones that flunked (failed).

I body flickered to his office and knocked on his door. I heard a faint come in and when I walked in jonin were scattered all over the room on the edge of their seats stearing at the clipboard.  I walked up to the hokage and handed it to him. His eyebrows raised in shock. He started telling them the teams that had failed and those jonin stood up and left.

Once he was done 14 jonin were in the room. Some were shocked and some just shrugged like they didn't care.  I was dismissed but told to be here on the day of the third exam which was a while away.
I walked through the town and thought for a moment. I shrugged the thought off and went home. It actually was really quiet without Naruto here and it felt odd. Ya he was away for a week but this is so much different. He has more risk of death than ever and what sucks is even though he has the nine tails in him and I don't I have a different bea-...crap.

Okay fine I'll explain. It was a few years back when it happened. We don't talk of course me and my beast even though she freaking adores me. The hokage got word about the eleven tails breaking free of it host just to come find someone else. He host of the eleven tails before was found dead a week after it broke free. It had been roaming the leaf territory for that week and for so ereason while I was out training it came and sat down in front of me.

It did nothing to harm me at all. It layed down and I walked twords it. It's eyes looked at me curious and happy. I rubbed it's paw since really that was the only thing I could reach. It nuged me with it's head gently making me topple over. I mean c'mon I was only seven. Apparently someone had saw and ran to tell the hokage.

He showed up a while later and the eleven tails who's name I had found out to be Mali bcame extremely protective. "It's okay Mali hes a friend not foe." I told her making her calm down. She layed back down and he hokage came forward.

"Raku this is amazing! I wasn't supposed to tell you this but your brother is a tailed beast but you aren't! Do you mind if I seal her into you?" He asked me.

"Sure! She's really nice." I said making Mali lick the side of my face. I was covered in saliva. Shes just a big puppy. Later that evening she was sealed in me and we talk front time to time but not to much. We don't want anyone getting supspisous.

Okay guys! This was a quick chapter for someone who really wanted me to update! Have a good day!

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