Caught on a whisp.

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Y'all earned an extra update because you were all so patient for last chapter. It's short but my brain is like "hahaha I'm not gonna function today!". Enjoy!

Kurenais p.o.v

Keep breathing raku we're almost to the hospital. I moved my hand and felt her pulse. Fading. And quick at that. I released my hand from her wrist just as we were nearing the hospital.

Blood was all over me but at this point I did not care one bit. Her pulse was almost gone and the doctors better be able to get to her. I burst through the door not caring. Heads snapped to me and nurses rushed to my aid.

They took raku and ran off not caring. I mean c'mon if you see an almost lifeless body in a women's arms bleeding out to death you wouldn't hesitate. I checked her in and decided to get as much blood off of myself as I could which I just got my arms and legs cleaned. My clothes? Covered in her blood.

I sat there in front of her surgery room and I heard people arguing and feet rushing around. I couldn't do anything. Atleast I got her here in time. The guys were no where to be seen. Probably still at the grounds or with the hokage. Who knows.

Suddenly everything went silent. I stood up quickly wondering if something went wrong. A doctor came out of the room. He said nothing only smiled. "What happened!?" I asked in a sorta rush.

"Everything's fine. She's fine but she's not waking up anytime soon. She'll probably be out for a few weeks but that's it. Overall shes good. If you came any later she might've died. Key word might've."he doctor said making me let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding.

"Thank goodness." I said. The doctor told me she didn't have to pay because it was that big of a deal. I just shrugged that off since the bill didn't even matter to me anyway.

Sudden footsteps came from out of know where and the next thing I saw was kakashi there. "Is she okay?" He said worried.

"She's completely fine. Shell just be out of it for a few weeks." I said making him nod.

"Who would be targeting her anyway?" I asked.

"Loads of people." Kakashi said.

I sighed and stood up. "I'm gonna head home now. I need to catch my breath and change." I said making kakashi nod but stay silent deep in thought. I left then not really wondering what he was thinking about.

??? P.o.v

So she's still alive... I was sure that would've killed her. Ugh. Atleast that was just a clone I sent out. I gotta get to headquarters now. Better to get there now then later. Boss is not gonna be happy about this. He really did want her hair after all. Not to mention her cheap beast.

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