Mikey vs. The last Neutrino

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He opened his eyes and woke up next to the cherry blossom tree, except it was flowerless and dead. The sky was grey and cloudy, and the grass was brown and yellow. Mikey looked around for a place the neutrino could be, until he saw a dark steel mountain with a huge cave that hadn't been there last time. That's probably where the last neutrino is, Mikey thought. He started heading toward the cave, not knowing what to expect.

When he arrived at the cave, he sneaked carefully and quietly until he got a view of the neutrino. It was trying to wake Leo's body up and was confused why the controls wouldn't work. Then Mikey looked to the side and there was Leo. He was on an examination table strapped down, as if he was a trophy for the neutrino.

Mikey had seen enough and ran over to Leo when the neutrino wasn't looking. He took out the pocket sized defibrillator and turned it on. He rubbed the plates together as fast as he could and tried to place it down on Leo, but was punched in the stomach before he touched him.

The neutrino caught him and tried to destroy him. It blasted its laser toward Mikey but he managed to dodge it every time. He tried to chuck it with his nunchucks and stab it with the kusarigama chain, but the neutrino's armor was too strong.

If only I had something as powerful as its laser, Mikey thought, wait a minute. Mikey grabbed the defibrillator and rubbed it together.

Then when it was all charged up, he threw both plates to the neutrino. "I bet you find this SHOCKING!!!" Mikey said as the defibrillator electrocuted the neutrino. The alien disintegrated and was gone. Mikey ran to get the defibrillator back, brought it to the table Leo was on, and rubbed the plates together. Then he placed it on Leo's chest and Leo sat up. But before Mikey could say "I missed you", he was automatically transported out in a blink of an eye.

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