Leo's Memories

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The three turtles appeared in Leo's mind. "UMM, WHY ARE WE IN DIMENSION X!?!" Donnie stammered. "You're not, you're in Leo's memories" said a voice that sounded like April, but the source of it was unknown. "Look, there he is!!" Mikey said pointing to Leo. Leo was facing a Kraang rock talking to a supposedly small alien. "Map Map" the alien said. Leo replied with a "Map map" then pet the little guy. "Wait, I remember this" Raph said "Mikey look out!!". He ran to Mikey to get him out of the way before the "cute" alien took off. But he was too late. It left an explosion, but surprisingly, Raph and Mikey weren't blown away or hurt. They went right through it. Mikey reached out his hand to grab Leo but went right through it jus like the explosion. "Whoa, it's kinda like holographic movies" Donnie said.

Suddenly they heard a robot-like voice. It sounded too low to be a kraang droid. The three turtles turned around and saw the neutrinos, except they were twice the size of the turtles now. They all gasped. "The Neutrinos! I thought they'd be a lot smaller." Donnie whispered. The turtles pulled out their weapons and started attacking the aliens. Raph twirled his Sais and tried to stab them in the chest, but was deflected by the neutrinos armor. "These guys are built like tanks" he said. Mikey tried to chuck them but nothing could get past their armor. Donnie backflipped over their heads and put his bo staff between the aliens legs and swung it leg to leg trying to trip them, but they were too heavy. "Armor's too strong, move!! April, can you get us somewhere else?" Donnie exclaimed. "Ok, go through that pink triangle portal" April's voice said. The three turtles did as followed and ended up in a different memory.

The portal led to the memory of training at Dragon Gate, where the turtles played King of the Mountain using non-proper fighting techniques. "Yooo, dude, I remember this..." said Mikey "Look, there's me". "Keep moving shell-brain, we still have neutrino on our tail" Raph scolded. The turtles jumped from rooftop to rooftop, and looked back to see the neutrinos getting closer and closer. Then Mikey tripped on one of the rooftop railings and fell down. His brothers jumped down to grab him but ended up falling too. Not to mention the army of neutrinos waiting for them on the ground. The turtles closed their eyes waiting for their demise.

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