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"No, you are not coming."

His tone held a finality that stopped Abhinav from arguing further. Mr. Prakash Kapoor was a man of little tolerance. He was a strict businessman, everything to him was either profitable to his business or not. He knew no further than that.

When his wife, Mona Kapoor narrated how his son embarrassed himself in front of the event planner, he wasn't amused in the least. His daughter, Payal's wedding was a major event. Many of his future business ties depended on the extravagance of the wedding. He didn't want his son to ruin his carefully planned game.

"Dad, I respect you and only because of that I am not coming to this meeting today, but you owe me," Dr. Abhinav told his dad, not even trying to hide his dismay at not being able to meet her, Shanaya Oberoi today.

"Okay son, how much do you want?" Prakash Kapoor asked his son, sounding bored of this routine.

"I don't want money, I will ask you for a thing but not now," Abhinav mischievously spoke on the phone.

"Look, I don't have time for this, you tell me what you want or I am hanging up," Prakash said, his agitation growing by the second.

"Okay, okay! You can go, we will talk..." Before he could complete his sentence, his father had hung up, "...later."

Typical, he thought, shrugging.

His Mom and dad had a meeting with two of the event planners, one of which was Shanaya. As soon as his ears grasped this little secret, he wanted nothing more than to be a part of that meeting. Just so he could tease Shanaya some more. But his father ruined his little day-dream.

....because of that I am not coming to this meeting today...

Abhinav smirked as he revolved in his chair, his fingers stroking the light stubble on his chin.

He said he wouldn't go in the meeting, he never promised that he wouldn't go after the meeting.


The clinking of the glass bought Shanaya back from her thoughts. Her eyes fell over the source of that noise. The waiter had placed a glass cup on the shining glass table.

A coffee at such an expensive restaurant would cost her real good, she grimaced at the would-to-be hole in her pocket.

But it was necessary. People like the 'Kapoors' would hurl at the sight of the cozy and cheap restaurants she visited. Their 'delicate' stomachs wouldn't even be able to digest those restaurants' water.

However, she wasn't in a bad mood, she was quiet happy infact. The meeting had gone surprisingly well, if she looks over the intricate and difficult demands of Mr. Prakash Kapoor. She still didn't understand that why such an influential businessman like Prakash Kapoor would want her to plan his daughter's wedding. He had world class planners at his disposal yet he chose her.

The lingering doubt disturbed Shanaya.

She placed the empty cup on the table and placed a tip beside it.

Late October wind's gentle swirls grazed at her skin. She pulled her shawl out of her handbag and wrapped in around herself. Her colleague, Jay had already left, but not before offering her a ride to her home.

Shanaya obviously declined. She did not intend to make any kind of personal attachment with her staff. Accepting a ride would only oblige her into doing small talks which she didn't want.

It was nearing 8 PM and she knew that a taxi was her only option.

Clutching her shawl tightly around her, she walked on towards the main road. Her eyebrows knit together when a black car halted near her, its honk clearly intended for her.

She faced the car, squinting her eyes to take a look at the driver. The tinted window of the drivers side slid down, allowing her to see.

This damn man! Shanaya cursed in her mind.

She was relieved today that she wouldn't have to deal with him at the meeting. But God seemed to hate her today.

She decided to ignore him and turned around, proceeding on her way to the main road.

The car honked again.

She pursed her lips but continued walking.

Abhinav couldn't believe his eyes. A girl was walking away from him. She was ignoring him. She was unlike other girls who would have jumped at this opportunity and flirted with him, ready to take him to bed. But this girl was different.

And because of that, his feelings towards her were also different.

Quickly, he opened his car door and stepped out. Not wasting time, he walked and stood in front of her, stopping her speedy flight straight ahead.

"Hello!" He smiled brightly at her.

Shanaya scowled at him and asked straight away, "What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you," he said, his stupid smile still not leaving his handsome face, which made Shanaya angry.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked, but before he could open his mouth again, she spoke, "ohh! So you want to apologise for intruding my home and trying to rob me?"

Abhinav felt his face going beet red. Damn! He had totally forgotten about that night.

"I wasn't  trying to rob you!" He was horrified at this accusation. "I am sorry about that. I didn't know it was your house and I was in a critical condition," he muttered.

"Yeah, right." She muttered." I wonder what a rich little spoilt boy like you wanted from my house? "

"Little? I am anything but little! And spoilt? Can you stop judging me before knowing me?" Abhinav exclaimed, beyond embarrassed.

"Why...why should I?" She challenged.

"Because I am not like that. And you already claimed it even, you dumped a bin full of rotten eggs on my head, remember?"

Shanaya had a ghost of a smile on her lips at the mention of that. She did enjoy his facial expressions of horror when shells of rotten eggs slided down his face along with slimy matter.

"Yes, I suppose I did, so now what do you want?"

Abhinav smirked in a teasing way, leaning towards her, lowering his head, he neared her face and smiled when he felt a small gasp escape her soft pink lips.

His lips brushed her ear sending tremors down her spine, igniting unknown feelings inside her as he spoke,


Oh come one! Why would you flirt everytime???


Thank you to everyone who is reading my book. I really really am very grateful.

Please share my book with others and spread the word, please :)



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