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Shanaya's heart thumped against her chest. She let her gaze involuntarily wander over the sculpted back of the man who had intruded her house last night and who was now lying butt-naked on the floor.

She gulped.

He was unbearably handsome.

Though it was a funny scene, but her surprise on seeing him here was more. She didn't join the rest in laughing at him. She found herself just staring at him with a mixture of anger and allure.

She expected him to just catch his towel and run off in embarrassment.

But she was in for a rather jaw-dropping surprise.

He fluidly caught hold of his towel and wrapped it around himself, while still on the floor. He then flexed his muscles as if doing a push up and turned his head to look at her.

His deep brown eyes held her black ones in a deep conversation.

He stood up and walked towards her, painstakingly slow, not breaking eye contact with her.

She found herself getting nervous at his predatory approach, she bit her lip unconsciously.

Dr. Abhinav groaned mentally when he saw her biting her lip. He willed his body not to react at this beauty's innocent seduction.

He took a seat next to her on the sofa, acting as if nothing has happened. As if he had not just embarrassed himself in front of his mother, his maids and her.

"So what are you planning?" he asked, trying to engage in a conversation.

"Abhinav, what are you doing here, like this?" his mother hissed, eyeing his state of undress disappointedly yet he could see amusement in her eyes.

Mothers! He rolled his eyes mentally.

"Oh mom, I just wanted to join in planning my sister's wedding," he said, looking at the girl beside him, trying to inform her about his position of importance as a brother of the bride.

With every passing second, Shanaya found herself hating him more and more. She was feeling things she had never felt because of his closeness. She tried to control her nervousness behind her tough exterior.

...my sister's wedding.

Things couldn't have gone worse for her. Not only would she have to deal with this annoying man for the whole wedding, she would have to respect him and include him in the plans as well.

She cursed her fate today.

"Now, as for the food, what would you like?" she asked Mrs. Kapoor, purposely ignoring her son.

"You," Dr. Abhinav said, looking at her intensely.

Her eyes widened.

"I mean, you decide it on your own," he said, smoothly covering what he actually meant, "they obviously have more experience in planning a wedding, we are sure your decision would be more creative, right mom?"

"Oh yes, of course! Ms. Shanaya, we will leave the food department on you," Mrs. Kapoor smiled at Shanaya.

Shanaya, A beautiful name! Abhinav thought, smiling to himself.

"What I meant was that would you like veg or non-veg?" Shanaya asked, eyeing Abhinav with anger in her eyes.

Abhinav smirked, "I like non-veg, Shanaya," he said, winking at her discretely.

Shanaya couldn't believe the audacity of this man. He was openely flirting with her in front of his mother!

"Okay then, We will arrange non-veg food in the wedding menu," she said pointedly to Abhinav to which he only smirked.

Damn this annoying man! She thought.

After a few more minutes of discussion and not-so-subtle flirting, one-sided flirting, Shanaya left the Kapoor mansion with an itching palm and an urge to shout at someone.

Someone in the office was definitely going to get a good verbal thrashing today.

Dr.Abhinav entered his clinic, hoping to get on his routine and to catch numbers of some beauties.

"Good morning, sir!" His receptionist greeted him with a flirtatious smile.

"Good morning, beautiful!" He smiled back.

She was hot and sexy, but Abhinav had never been in any intimate contact with her. She worked for him and so she was out of his area. It was his protocol. No messing with work.

However, off lately, he wasn't excited at the prospect of any other girl in his bed. He was tired of meaningless hook-ups. He felt empty. He wanted something solid, something meaningful, something true. Not a mere one night stand.

He admitted that he had taken numerous girls to his bed, but never ever had he made any false promises to anyone. He wasn't a player. He didn't play with hearts. On the start itself he would convey his intentions to the girl. The girl would know what she was getting herself into. It was a clean deal.

He maybe a man-whore as everyone refers to him as, but he wasn't cheap.

And now, his dormant heart had woken up and it wanted a certain thing, a thing which Abhinav wasn't sure if he would be able to attain.

True love.


Sorry, this is a short chapter, but I promise to post a longer tomorrow.

Till then, please share my story as much as you can.

Let other people discover it.



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