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~That's Abhinav!~

Shanaya did not like this party anymore. The need to go home and snuggle into her blanket was becoming too much for her. The high class people and their sophistication gave her anxiety. She was once a part of that society but not anymore. Now, she hated those people.

Yet, you don't hate Abhinav, her mind teased.

She frowned and decided not to think on that subject any further. Abhinav was slowly and slowly becoming a dangerous territory for her. She couldn't deny the slight ( a little more - though she would never admit it ) attraction she felt for him. But, she also knew of his reputation of a playboy. And whatever she saw a few minutes ago was definitely adding to the reputation. Sure, they were just hugging, but she was also sure that men like Abhinav never change. Once a playboy, always a playboy.

And she would be damned if she let him play her.

She lifted her gown slightly to walk a little faster. She needed to check up with the caterers. Dinner was going to be served soon and she did not want any complaint from The Kapoors' guests, regarding food. After all, food was the main thing in marriage for Indians. It was definitely the life of any wedding. Oh so delicious life.

She made her way towards the huge Kapoor mansion, where the dinner preparations were going on inside their equally enormous kitchen. Seriously, for a family of four, why would they live in such a big house, she wondered. Then again, she knew the rich had a habit of showing off. Though she can't complain, because these 'rich' are paying her quite well for her work. So well, infact, that otherwise she would have to work with atleast 8 clients to get as much fees. Not to mention the advertisement and publicity her business would get. She felt a little guilty for criticizing them, but then again whatever she felt about the rich wasn't wrong.

She had seen that side of them, the ugly side, very closely.

She was so engrossed in her inner philosophical lecture that she didn't realise where she was going until she bumped into someone. Hard.

"Ouch!" She muttered, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead with a little pressure.

"Oh shit! I am sor..." the person stopped speaking for some reason and that made Shanaya open her eyes to look at them.

"Oh.. it's you," Shanaya said and then cringed internally on how pathetic that sounded.

"Yeah it's me," Abhinav said, amusement dancing in his eyes, though he seemed surprised too. He was debating whether or not to just lie to his mother rather than actually going to look for his dad, while standing outside his house. Suddenly he felt someone bump against him, from the backside, catching him off-guard and his mobile fell. Again.

He was already annoyed due to those nosy relatives, then not able to find Shanaya and on top of that, having to go look for his father, who would most certainly be drunk and most definitely on his ugliest self.

He was ready to yell at the person but when he saw who it was, he couldn't hide his surprise.

Shanaya's first instinct was to smile at him. But then she remembered that girl and a scowl appeared instead.

She turned away to leave and shockingly felt a strong hand grasp her wrist immediately, stopping her movement.

"What are you doing?" She demanded and jerked her wrist out of his grasp.

"I wanted to talk with you about something," he started, "actually many things."

"I don't have time for that," she said flatly and again turned to leave.

"Wait!" he said, "I know what are you thinking about that girl you saw me with. But believe me, it is not what you think."

Shanaya folded her arms across her chest, "And pray tell what do I 'think'?"

"That she is my girlfriend," he groaned, "look, she is not. In fact I don't have any girlfriend. She was my..."

"One night stand," Shanaya finished, "and by the way, I never asked you if she was your girlfriend. I never even asked anything. Why are you telling me all these?"

Abhinav felt frustrated, "She is not my one night stand. She is my..."

"She could be your fuck buddy for all I care. But the point is I don't care, Mr. Abhinav." Shanaya said coolly.

"Will you let me finish?!" Abhinav said, exasperated that she was standing there, just assuming all these things about him, which were not true at all.

"Why should I let you 'finish' when whatever you are saying is nothing of my concern. I don't care who you are dating, who you girlfriend is or whether you have a fuck buddy. Why should I care? I don't even like you," she said, "Go and fuck anyone you want, kiss anyone you want, I won't...."

Her rambling was cut off by soft lips pressing onto her lips. Too shocked, she just stood still until she felt a pair of strong arms circle her waist and pull her to his chest. Abhinav kissed her lips, taking her lower lip between his and sucking it. Tasting her sweet essence. Then, he felt Shanaya kiss him back. Slowly, as if not sure but it was enough to drive him crazy. He snaked his hand on either side of her face and kissed her deeply, more passionately.

It was unlike any kiss he ever experienced. It was perfect. There were no other words to explain it.

He smoothened his fingers through her silky soft hair, revelling in the feeling. He kissed her like there were no tomorrow. A low moan escaped Shanaya's throat. They broke the kiss to breath but Abhinav couldn't get enough of her, he kissed the side of her mouth, then her jawline. He loved the feel of her skin under his lips.

He wanted more.

This wasn't enough.

It will never be enough.

He wanted Shanaya. All of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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