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"Don't do...this...p-please!" the girl croaked out, salty tears slided down on her swollen lips creating a mess of her beautiful innocent face.

No reply, no answer, no reaction.

Her pleadings fell on deaf ears.

She gasped as blood splattered over her thin white coloured cotton tunic, she couldn't take anymore. Her lips wobbled as she let out a whimper, crying uncontrollably.

"What do you want, please tell me! I - I will give you anything, just...just leave them, I beg of you..." she joined her hands and fell on her knees, trembling all over, praying to any God who would hear her pleas, her cries.

But no one heard her that day. No God, no human.

The nine-year-old little girl's eyes bled that day. Those eyes witnessed the most horrific crime, something a little child shouldn't even know about.

That day she lost everything, her family, her childhood, her faith in God and her innocence.

Shanaya was snapped out those horrific memories by a knock on the door.

Through the hazy glass of the door, she could make out the silhouette of a muscular man. Abhinav. She hurriedly wiped her eyes and checked herself in the large mirror adorning the wall. Taking a deep breath and hiding any signs of emotion, she opened the door.

His hands were raised when she opened the door, as if he was about to knock again. She wondered how many times he had to knock before she was brought back from her memories.

"Hey!" He greeted and got inside, closing the door behind him. He handed her a bag.

The bag itself looked so elegant and expensive that Shanaya couldn't help but worry about the cost of the actual dress.

"How much did this cost?" She asked, slightly nervous of hearing the price.

"Not much," he told her vaguely, "now go fast in the bathroom, it is there..." He pointed towards a door in his room.

"No, tell me how much this cost, I have to pay back."

"You are not paying back, Shanaya."

"Like hell I am not! I don't want any gifts!" She told him, anger visible in her expressive eyes.

"Okay, okay. I will let you pay me. I will tell you the price afterwards because right now we don't have time,"

Shanaya sensed that he was not serious all together, but she let it slide. She was going to pay whether he liked it or not. Shanaya Oberoi never took anything for free, from anyone.

"Now get dressed quickly, you wouldn't want anyone knowing that you are in my bedroom," Abhinav told her, hesitantly.

She knew he was right. If people saw her in his room, they will make stories. And those stories would definitely ruin her image, considering Abhinav's reputation.

"Okay," she muttered.

Without opening the bag to look at the dress, she ran into his bathroom, slamming it shut with a little more force than she intended.

She wanted to laugh as she gazed around his bathroom. It was larger than her bedroom! She found it funny that how god seemed to provide luxury to people who didn't even do anything to deserve it. And then there were people like her, who drowned in their own blood and sweat daily, only to recieve the leftovers from God.

God...she let out a sneer. She had stopped respecting him long ago. God was only for rich people, not for her.

Shaking her head, she pulled out the box from the bag Abhinav had handed her. She opened the box, placing the top cover near the basin.

A soft gasp escaped her lips as she took in the beauty of the soft material in her hands.  It was a chiffon maxi dress of pastel pink colour. It wasn't heavily embroidered but had an elegant diamond embellished design traced the neckline going diagonally down till the waist.

It was beautiful!

She let her stained dress slip from her body and stepped into the maxi dress.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, she sighed at how nice she looked, better than before. The dress fit her so well, one would believe it was made only for her.

She swiftly packed her old dress into the bag, fixed her hair and put on some lipstick.

She grabbed the door knob, ready to open it but stopped. She felt nervous of Abhinav. Will he think that she looked good?

She shaked her head trying to get rid of such treacherous thoughts. She need not think of such things as it did not matter. His thoughts were none of her concern, she had already decided to be away from him. This was the last time she was interacting with him.


As soon as she felt Abhinav's heated gaze on her, all the earlier thoughts and promises to herself vanished in the vapour of the heat her face was producing.

She had never felt so self-conscious yet beautiful.

His eyes made her feel beautiful, pretty even.

Abhinav could feel his own heart pumping in his chest. He could see every curve of her body in that dress, every delicious curve. The salesgirl was right, this dress did look ravishing on her. He was so glad that he took her advice and bought it.

He gulped, not sure what should he do. Should he say something? Should he compliment her? She wouldn't be angry on him if he compliments her, would she? .....or..should he just take her in his arms?

He was tempted to do the last one, yet he controlled himself. He could see that she was nervous herself, which he found endearing and amazing both.

"You look so beautiful!" He breathed out, at last.

He saw as she opened her mouth to say something but closed and bit her lip instead.

He groaned at this little innocent action, clenching his fists to keep himself from throwing her on his bed and ravishing those luscious red lips, from taking her in all the ways he liked.

His thoughts, however, did not help his condition. Instead the image that formed in his head, of her delicious body on his bed only tightened his pants, stirring the beast in him awake.

He cleaned his throat awkwardly which snapped Shanaya out of her shy behaviour.

"I should get going, it has been more than an hour now," she said, her tone crisp but she wasn't meeting his eyes.

"Yes, you are right," he said, his eyes not leaving her face.

Shanaya stepped ahead and went for the door but she stopped and looked back at him, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Thank you for everything, Dr. Alladin,"

Before Abhinav could reply with a mischievous comment, a knock sounded from the door.

With matching look of horror on both's face, they looked at each other, questioningly.

Fate wasn't on their side today because they hadn't locked the door.

The door burst open, making them jump in surprise.

"What are you doing in my son's room?"


Hey all!

How is your day?

Hope you had fun reading this chapter. Please let me know your thoughts.


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