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"So, it's a date?" Zendaya asked aloud.

The three best friends were currently sat in the middle of Ramona's kitchen sharing a cheesecake and talking.

"I don't think so." Ramona answers after eating a spoonful of cheesecake. "Plus I don't know if I want it to be a date."

"What? Why not?" Tom exclaims.

"Well I think he's beautiful and all but I also don't know much about him, you know. All I know is that he's got a nice face and he seems like a huge dork in videos I've seen, which I find adorable." Ramona smiles just thinking about it.

"Yeah, you've always had a thing for huge dorks." Zendaya says.

"Massive dorks actually." Tom agrees. "But you're also one too, so I assume that's the reason why. You need someone to dork out with."

"Wow ok, first of all, I'm disowning you both as my best friends. Second, I can't help. I love when I can just geek out with people about random things." Ramona defends.

"He definitely seems like the boy for that." Zendaya laughs.

Ramona rolls her eyes at her best friend.

"I say it's about time we get another guy in the group." Tom speaks up. "Or we could always bring Harrison back into this friendship."

Ramona takes another bite of the cheesecake before speaking. "I told you guys, Harrison is not allowed in this apartment or the group chat until he apologizes for posting that disgusting picture of me at lunch last week."

"Yeah that probably won't happen. He was really proud of himself for taking that picture." Tom laughs.

⊶ ⊷

ramonataylor: I hate them both but can you guess who I hate more? (trick question it's actually Harrison

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ramonataylor: I hate them both but can you guess who I hate more? (trick question it's actually Harrison. sorry not sorry.)

52.4k likes | 13.8k comments

username: omfg wtf is Tom doing at the end

username: I love them so much aw

hazosterfield: I'm also sorry not sorry

username: tom and zendaya are so cute man

username: this trio makes me happy

ramonataylor: DELETE IT hazosterfield

hazosterfield: NEVER ramonataylor

username: omf I can't believe she's still mad about the picture lmfao

tomholland2013: if anyone can hold a grudge it's definitely ramona username

zendaya: I can't stop laughing at Tom's little dance at the end lmao wtf 😂

username: I'm living for Ramona's witch laugh in the background

tchalamet: so can I like join this friend group or what

username: yeah same ^^

ramonataylor: we'll find out tomorrow my dude tchalamet

tchalamet: can't wait

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