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"what are your biggest fears?" Timothée asked.

"Open windows, large bugs, flying objects, well mainly flying balls, falling, the woods and elevators." Ramona answered nonchalantly.

Timothée furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up on elbows looking over at Ramona. Ramona turned and looked at him, "what?" She questions, sitting up as well.

"I can understand large bugs, the woods, kind of flying balls and falling, but windows? Really?" Timothée scoffed a laugh.

"Don't laugh, you asshole. It's a real fear."

"No, actually I don't think it is."

"So, you're telling me, open windows aren't the creepiest? Imagine your home alone, your sitting in your living room, all the lights are off in your house and all the windows around you are open? There's not one thought for even a second, that somebody might be looking at you?"

"Ok, so you're scared of being stalked?"

"No, open windows."

"But what you just described is being stalked."

"No, I just gave you a reason to be scared of open windows."

"You're unbelievable."

"I'm right, is what I am."

Timothée let out a laugh as he shook his head at her.

The two were currently sitting on the floor in Ramona's semi-empty apartment, just talking. They were waiting for their other friends to show up, because they were all staying over at Ramona's so they could help her move all her stuff to her new place in the morning.

"What do your parents do for a living, Ramona?" Timothée randomly asked.

"My dad's a neurosurgeon and my mom is," Ramona pauses before clearing her throat. "my mom was a teacher at Julliard."

  Timothée bit his bottom lip, not knowing how to respond.

"You could ask, you know ." Ramona tells him, knocking her shoulder slightly with his.

"So, uh, what happened?"

"Car crash. I was thirteen." Ramona continued staring forward, not wanting to look at Timothée, who she could definitely feel staring at her. "She was a ballet dancer. And she was good. God, she was so damn good." Timothée looked at Ramona as she smiled to herself. "When I was little she would always have these recitals that my dad would take me too. It was so amazing just watching her on stage. She owned the stage and anyone who ever got the chance to see her perform, knew it. She tried to teach me how to dance but, I sadly gained my dads clumsiness." Ramona laughed to herself.

Timothée couldn't help but laugh along with her. Ramona really was clumsy. He could just imagine little Ramona Taylor trying to do ballet but falling flat on her butt, every time she tried to attempt a simple Fouetté.

"I would give anything just to be able to see her dance again. Just to have her smile at me from the stage." Ramona sighs. "Before my mom died, my dad was so full of life. So happy. You would never see him without a smile on his face. After she died it was like that part of my dad died with her. Like I had just lost both parents all at once." Timothée watched as a tear fell from her eye. He wanted to wrap her in the tightest hug and tell her, everything was okay now. But he knew he couldn't. He couldn't change what she had felt. "Eventually he turned back into that guy, don't get me wrong. I just love him so much, he really is my best friend."

  Timothée smiled as he watched a smile come onto Ramona's face.

Ramona laughed and wiped some stray tears off her cheeks. "I'm sorry for just laying all of that on you. I don't know what came over me."

"No, Ramona, it's no problem at all." Timothée grabbed her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I like learning these things about you."

"I've never talked about this with anybody." Ramona turns to look at him. "You must be pretty special Timothée Chalamet." She tells him quietly.

"When I get to look into those eyes of yours, I know I am."

Ramona licks her lips as she lets out a laugh. "You can be really cheesy, you know that right?"

"Only for you Ramona Taylor."

Ramona soon realizes the two are now only a couple inches apart. If she were even to scoot over, their noses would be touching. But as she stared into Timothée's eyes that was all she wanted to do. Little did she know, Timothée was feeling the same exact way.

Before the two could lean all the way in, Ramona's door swings open and in walks Tom, Zendaya and Harrison.

"Ramona! Guess what we got you!" Tom exclaims.

"Well, technically what we got all of us." Harrison chimed in.

Ramona cleared her throat and stood up from her spot on her floor. "what is it?"

Tom grabbed an envelope from his back pocket. Ramona gave him a confused look before opening and the envelope to see five ticket.

"tickets to see Rex Orange County tonight!"

Ramona's eyes grew wide.

"No, fucking way!"

Ramona screamed before group hugging her friends.

corduroy dreams | TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now