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spider bitch has added hairy otters to the group chat

spider bitch
say you're sorry Harrison
I need you back in here

hairy otters
what am I supposed to be sorry
for again?

the picture you dumbass

hairy otters
oh you mean this picture

mona has removed hairy otters from the group chat

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mona has removed hairy otters from the group chat

spider bitch has added hairy otters to the group chat

spider bitch
Harrison be nice

hairy otters
Ramona I'm sorry you're ug-
Ramona I'm sorry for posting that
bad picture of you

apology accepted

spider bitch
I'm a great dad

Ok now that this is over with
RAMONA when are you going to see

In exactly 30 minutes
I'm stressing guys

spider bitch
just keep telling yourself it's not a date
and you'll be fine

we're coming back to my apartment afterwards
so you guys can come if you'd like

Of course we'll be there what the hell

hairy otters
yeah we'll make sure to give him a nice
welcome :)))))

never mind don't come

⊶ ⊷

"How have you never had a churro?" Ramona asks Tomothée with pure shock in her eyes.

"I don't know." Tomothée chuckles at her expression. "I guess it's just never been on my to do list."

"You're really not living your best life then, if you've never experienced churros." Ramona tells him as she walks with him to a churro stand in The Grove.

"Hi, can I get two churros please?" Ramona asks the man behind the stand.

The man begins to take two churros from the rack. Ramona turns to Timothée. "You are going to thank me for this."

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